WELCOME to Ethnobotanical Leaflets. The aim of this journal is to expedite publication. Papers must be appropriate in subject matter and submitted in electronic form. All articles are reviewed by the editor. Take time and enjoy our Web Journal. And, of course, manuscript contributions from our readers are always welcome.
Enicostemma littorale Blume-Scientific Monograph by Amrit Pal Singh
Kutkins-A Review of Chemistry and Pharmacology by Amrit Pal Singh
Ethnobotany of Palas Valley, Pakistan by Zafeer Saqib and A. Sultan
The Lost Glory of Folk Medicine by Amrit Pal Singh
Ayurveda and Drug Standardization by Amrit Pal Singh
Adhatoda vasica-Therapeutic Monograph by Amrit Pal Singh
Ethnobotanical Studies Of Chandigarh Region by Amrit Pal Singh
A Potential Anticancer Withanolide from Withania somnifera (L.) Dun. by Amrit Pal Singh
Hepatotprotective Natural Products by Samir Malhotra and Amrit Pal Singh
Glycyrrhizin-A Review by Amrit Pal Singh
Salicin - A Natural Analgesic by Amrit P. Singh
Distribution of Steroid-like Compounds in Plant Flora by Amrit P. Singh and A.S. Sandhu
Hypericin - A Napthodianthrone from Hypericum perforatum by Dr Amrit Pal Singh, MD
The Role of Natural Products in Pharmacotherapy of Alzheimer’s Disease, by Dr. Amrit Pal Singh, MD
Pharmacological considerations of Tylophora asthmatica, by Dr. Amrit Pal Singh, MD
Fall 1997
Winter 1998
Summer 1998
Fall 1998
Spring 1999
Summer 1999
Fall 1999
Winter 2000
Spring/Summer 2000
Edition 2001
Edition 2002
Edition 2003
The Wealth of India by K.S. Krishnan Marg, editor.
Medicine Quest by Mark Plotkin
The Shaman's Apprentice by Lynne Cherry and Mark J. Plotkin
The Great Kapok Tree by Lynne Cherry
Medicinal Plants of the Heartland by Connie Kaye and Neil Billington
Potions, Poisons, and Panaceas by David Brussell
Origin and Early Diversification of Land Plants by P. Kenrick & P.R. Crane
An Interview with Dr. Liao, Tang Center, Univ. Chicago
Agriboard, Use of Non-timber Cellulose for Construction
The Inclusive Herbarium by Edgar Anderson
EBL Featured Artist Keith Harrison
EBL Featured artist Rebecca Brown
Discover Domestication, Paris
Botanical Artists Association of Southern Africa
Redoute Magnolia+
Decorated gum leaves, School of Botany Foundation
Tony Swann review of most beautiful botanical books
Society for Economic Botany: Home Page & News of Annual Meeting
Society for Ecological Restoration, Niagra Falls, Ontario, Canada
3rd International Conference on Ecosystems and Sustainable Development, Alicante, Spain
International Association of Landscape Ecology, U.S. Symposium, Tempe, Arizona
Earthworks-Job Opportunities
Job Listings from the Chronicle of Higher Education
Graduate Programs in Ethnobotany
Undergraduate Studies in Ethnobotany
Society for Economic Botany Home Page
Herbs and Herb Gardening, Resource Guide
American Botanical Council HerbalGram
The Amazon Conservation Team
Medicinal Plants of the Peruvian Amazon
Useful Plants
Ethnobotany in the Forests of Belize
Secwepemc Ethnobotany
Amazon Rain Forest Includes Ethno-herpatology
Survey of Economic Plants for Arid and Semi-Arid Lands (SEPASAL)
People and Plants Online
Association for the Advancement of Industrial Crops
New Crop Resource Online Program
Books Needing Reviewers for Journal of Economic Botany
Southern Illinois University Carbondale / Ethnobotanical leaflets /
URL: http://www.siu.edu/~ebl/
Last updated: 08 January 2005 / du