Founded 1997


Fall 1997: kudzu (daidzin and puerarin), betulinic acid, resveratrol, Paul Simon interview and photos of 1997 Society for Economic Botany Annual Meeting in St. Louis.

Winter 1998: Atropa belladona, avocado, bamboo, hemp, Chenopodium, coca, coconut, cola, jimson weed, peanut, peppers, pineapple and quinine.

Summer 1998: Banisteriopsis caapi, Cannabis, chocolate, coca, native dye plants, ergot, mayapple, opium, papaya, peyote, Salvia divinorum and tobacco. Also included in this issue are color photos by Carlos Ochoa of Peruivan maize cobs, chile peppers, zapote (Manilkara zapota), common bean, capuli (Physalis peruviana) and mashua (Tropaeolum tuberosum).

Fall 1998: edible seaweed, banana, canola, ginseng, grape and sugar cane. Also included in this issue are color photos of the fruits of the aguaje palm (Mauritia flexuosa), maca roots (Lepidium meyenii), umari fruits (Poraquiba sericea), pomarosa fruits (Eugenia inundata), oca tubers (Oxalis tuberosus) and lucuma fruits (Pouteria lucuma), all by Carlos Ochoa.

Spring 1999: vanilla, mahogany, taro, cattails, broccoli, the rubber tree, black mustard and tomato, and photographs by Carlos Ochoa of Peruvian maize, yacon, kiwicha and passiflora.

Summer 1999: chicle (Manilkara zapota), mashua (Tropaeolum tuberosum), virola, Irish potato famine, herbal supplements, strychnine and vanilla.

Fall 1999: agave, sugarcane, carrot, dandeloin, strawberry, garlic, greentea, black tea, nutsedge and rubber.

Winter 2000: camphor, cotton, mango, passiflora, peyote, lotus, ginkgo and neem.

Spring/Summer 2000: nettles, plants and superstitions, cherry, olive, coffee, cat's claw, hops, juniper berry, garlic, and cinnamon.

Edition 2001-2002: Barley, Brazil nut, Ephedra, Ginkgo biloba, Cyperus papyrus, Reishii mushroom, and St. John's Wort.


Southern Illinois University Carbondale / Ethnobotanical Leaflets /
Last updated: 26-July-2002 / du