Ethnobotanical Leaflets 11: 71-72. 2007.
Krameria triandra (R. and P.): Source of Tannin
Dr. Amrit Pal Singh, PGDMB; BAMS; MD (Alternative Medicine), Herbal Consultant, Ind-Swift Ltd, Chandigarh
Address for correspondence: Dr. Amrit Pal Singh,House No: 2101 Phase-7, Mohali-160062.
Issued 24 May 2007
Krameria triandra is significant plant of Materia Medica written in 1930. Common name: Krameria root, Peruvian Rhatany, Red Rhatany, Rhatany root and Ratanya.
Family: Polygolaceae.
Location: Peru.
Botany: A low shrub with large red flowers. The root consists of long, cylindrical pieces, varying in thickness from 1/4 to 1/2 inch or more or a short, thick portion, knotted, and as large as a man's fist.
Phytochemistry: Tannic acid: rhataniatannic acid, peculiar acid principle: krameric acid, phlobaphene, phloroglucin, oligomeric proanthocyanidins (Scholz and Rimpler, 1989), procyanidins, neolignans (Marina et al, 2002), lignin, tannin and wax.
Actions: Astringent, bronchodilator, antiviral, antitussive, antioxidant and photoprotective (Marina et al 2002), bactericidal, fungicidal, styptic and tonic.
Therapeutics: Cough, diarrhea, bloody diarrhea, bleeding, urinary incontinence, leucorrhea, hemorrhoids, rectal prolapse and stomatitis.
Adverse drug reactions: Allergic contact dermatitis (Bujan et al 1998).
Preparations: Extract dose, 0.3 to I G. Tincture dose, 2-4 mils.
Parts used: Roots.
Scholz, E. and Rimpler, H.1989. Proanthocyanidins from Krameria triandra root. Planta Med. 55(4):379-84.
Goday Bujan, J.J. et al., 1998. Allergic contact dermatitis from Krameria triandra extract. Contact Dermatitis. 38(2):120-1.
Marina, C. et al., 2002. Antioxidant and photoprotective activity of a lipophilic extract containing neolignans from Krameria triandra roots. Planta Med. 68(3): 193-197.