Ethnobotanical Leaflets 14: 46-83, 2010.
Medicinal Plants Diversity and their Conservation Status in Wildlife Institute of India (WII) Campus, Dehradun
B.S. Adhikari*, M.M. Babu, P.L. Saklani and G.S. Rawat
Herbarium Section, Department of Habitat Ecology, Wildlife Institute of India, Dehradun 248 001, Uttarakhand Phone 91 135 2640112-115, Fax 91 135 2640117 * Corresponding author:
Issued: January 01, 2010
The present paper deals with the status and distribution pattern of medicinal plants in Wildlife Institute of India campus, Dehradun, Uttarakhand, India. Based on extensive literature survey, of the total (#605 plants) 63% are medicinal plants. These medicinal plants comprise of 63 trees, 55 shrubs, 208 herbs, 34 climbers, 3 ferns and 10 grasses belong to 94 families. Poaceae, Asteraceae, Cyperaceae and Euphorbiaceae are the largest families and have more than 20 species of medicinal plants. Fabaceae, Asteraceae, Poaceae, Euphorbiaceae, Lamiaceae, Malvaceae, Acanthaceae, Apocynaceae, Caesalpiniaceae, Verbenaceae, Cucurbitaceae and Solanaceae are the dominant families with high species diversity. The nativity of plants shows that 21 species are from Himalayan region and 101 from Indian oriental region, while remaining are from various parts of the world. Pyrus pashia and Rubia cordifolia have the distribution up to cool temperate region among trees and climbers, respectively. Among plant parts, bark, leaves and roots are mainly used for trees, shrubs and climbers, respectively. However, the entire plant of herbs, grasses and sedges and leaves and roots of ferns are used. Most of the species of trees, herbs and climbers are used for diarrhoea/dysentery, shrubs for cough/cold, grasses and sedges for fever and ferns for skin diseases. The conservation efforts have been discussed in the paper.
Keywords: Doon, Medicinal plants, Nativity, Uttarakhand, Wildlife Institute of India Introduction The foot hills with wider valleys along the Himalayan range forms an ecotone, is bestowed with a variety of natural resources, which have been exploited by mankind since time immemorial relieving, suffering and curing ailments by trial and error. The history, religion and folklores are full of instances where the magical and curative properties of various plants have been narrated and based on speculations and superstitions the effectiveness of certain plants for different ailment was learnt (Humaun et al. 2006). Plant containing active chemical constituents (alkaloid, glycosides, saponins, essential oils, bitter principles, tannins and mucilages) in any of its part like root, stem, leaves, bark, fruit and seed, which produces a definite curing physiological response in the treatment of various ailments in humans and other animals, is regarded as medicinal plant. In India, several medical systems have evolved and prominent among these systems are Ayurveda, Siddha and the Unani Systems of Medicine. In different civilizations the contribution of floral biodiversity to health care has been well documented (Posey 1999). Because of the accelerated local, national and international interest in recent years the demand for medicinal and aromatic plants has increased manifolds and pharmaceutical industry views plant wealth as a source of income. Due to easy availability, no side-effects, and sometimes only source of health care, the demand for medicinal plants is increasing in both developing and developed countries. According to Schippmann et al. (2002) more than 50000 species are used for medicinal purposes worldwide, of which almost 13% are flowering plants. Over 8000 plant species are used in traditional and modern medicine in India (Planning Commission 2000), and 90-95% collection of medicinal plants is from the wild, of which more than 70% collection involves destructive and unscientific extraction. Over exploitation of trade species, destructive way of collection, vulnerability due to anthropogenic pressure are some of the major threats to medicinal plants. In order to achieve sustainable harvest of medicinal plants and other non-timber forest products (food (wild edibles), fuel, fodder, timber, making agricultural tools, fiber, religious and various other purposes), a multi-disciplinary approach must be considered which include ecological, biological, socio-cultural and economical aspects of the species (Ghimire et al. 2004). The World Health Organisation (WHO) estimated that 80% of the populations rely on traditional medicines, mostly plant drugs, for their primary health care needs in developing countries. Conservation and sustainable use of medicinal plants are issues on which immediate focus is required in the context of conserving biodiversity. Considering these facts it is important to know about the medicinal plants of the near by areas and become more crucial when the area is almost in the vicinity of the forest and well protected. Therefore, the present study deals with the status, altitudinal range, nativity, parts used, uses in various ailments and conservation efforts.
Materials and Methods Study area
The Wildlife Institute of India campus is located in the southern fringe of Dehradun city, a capital of Uttarakhand state. It lies between 775750 to 775845 E long. and 301640 to 301715 N lat. with an altitudinal range from 640-665m asl and covers an area of ca.88 hactare (Fig. 1). In general the vegetation of the campus is natural and semi-natural, represented by various successional stages e.g., grassland (Saccharum community, Cynodon community, Phragmites community, Imperata community, Typha community and mixed grass community with Lantana), scrubland (Lantana community and mixed shrub community), riverine forest (Sapium community and Broussonetia papyrifera community) and woodland of old sal community and coppice sal community. The campus is rich in its floral diversity (total 605 plants, which is almost one third of Doon valley flora. Among faunal diversity of the campus, 16 mammal species (half of them very occasionally), 295 species of birds (including migratory birds), 73 species of butterflies, 16 species of moths, 17 species of spiders, 21 species of reptiles and 11 species of amphibians have been recorded.
Climate, Geology and Soil The topography of the campus is dendritic type, small channels drain in to Asan river, a tributary to river Yamuna, flows on the northern periphery of the campus. The temperature in summer is so intense and in winter drops down to freezing point due to heavy snow fall in the adjacent hilly regions. The campus receives an average annual rainfall of 1200-1300mm, of which 75% accounted during rainy season only (WII Meteorological station). The study area falls under tectonic groupbelongs to lower and upper tertiary rocks and sedimentary river deposits of the Shivalik system comprises sand stone, silt, clay and conglomerates (Wadia 1967). The soil is alluvial and highly fertile.
Methods An extensive literature survey includes several florulas, such as Anonymous (1948-1976), Balodi (1988), Lal and Dube (1984), Duthei (1903-29), Gaur et al. (1983), Gaur (1999), Goel and Bhattacharya (1981), Gupta (1962, 1968, 1981), Hooker (1887-1897), Jain (1968, 1991), Kanjilal (1928), Maheshwari and Singh (1984), Nathani (1984), Nautiyal (1981), Osmaston (1926), Purohit and Dhar (1997), Purohit et al. (1985), Raizada and Saxena (1978), Rajwar (1983), Rawat and Pangtey (1987), Samant et al. (1998), Singh and Prakash (2002), Singh et al. (1980), Sharma et al. (1979) and Uniyal et al. (2002) was carried out for Wildlife Institute of India, Dehradun on medicinal plants, their use, distribution along an altitudinal gradient, parts used and uses for different ailments. Bennet (1987) was used for name changes and Anonymous (1883-1970) for the nativity of the plants.
Results Status of medicinal plants The Wildlife Institute of India harbours 605 plants (94% wild and 6% palnted), of which 13% were trees, 12% shrubs, 48% herbs, 10% climbers, 15% grasses/sedges and 2% ferns. The WII campus herbaceous flora accounted 48% of the total wild herbaceous flora of Dehradun (Babu 1977). Of the total wild plants in WII campus, 62% (376 plants, Appendix I) are used for medicinal purposes, of which 16% were trees, 14% shrubs, 50% herbs, 11% climbers, 8% grasses/sedges and 2% ferns (Fig. 2). In each taxa most of the plants are used for medicinal purposes (79% trees, 71% shrubs, 64% herbs, 67% climbers, 32% grasses/sedges and 55% ferns of the total). The total families in the campus and medicinal plants families and genera across the taxa is shown in Fig. 2.
Distribution of family Most of the families (73) were represented by single species (Monospecific family). However, the families represented the maximum number of medicinal plants are in the following order: Fabaceae (37) > Asteraceae (27) > Poaceae (24) > Euphorbiaceae and Lamiaceae (15 in each), Malvaceae (10), Acanthaceae (9), Apocynaceae, Caesalpiniaceae and Verbenaceae (8 in each) and Cucurbitaceae and Solanaceae (7 in each). Across different taxa Euphorbiaceae (7), Moraceae (6) and Caesalpiniaceae (4) were the dominant families in trees, Verbenaceae (8), Apocynaceae and Fabaceae (4 in each) in shrubs, Asteraceae (25), Fabaceae (21), Lamiaceae (13) and Convolvulaceae (10) in herbs, Fabaceae (9), Cucurbitaceae (5), Asclepiadaceae and Dioscoreaceae (4 in each) in climbers, Poaceae (24) in grass/sedge and Adiantaceae (2) in fern.
Nativity The nativity of plants for all the taxa showed that the plants from other regions of the world are higher followed by plants from Indian origin (Appendix I). The contribution of trees, shrubs, herbs and climbers from the Himalayan region was 6%, 12%, 3% and 12%, respectively.
Fig. 2. Total medicinal plant family, genera and species in different taxa.
Distribution along altitudinal gradient The distribution pattern of all the species in different taxa showed that all species found in sub-tropical region (up to 1500m). Thirteen species, of the total medicinal tree species had distribution up to warm temperate region, of which Pyrus pashia had the distribution up to cool temperate region. Of the total 52 medicinal shrubs, only 17 species had the distribution up to warm temperate region. Nine species of medicinal grasses and sedges and 2 species of ferns had the distribution up to warm temperate region. Among 187 medicinal herbs 2 species had the distrbition up to alpine region, 5 species up to sub-alpine region, 19 species up to cool temperatre region and 81 species up to warm temperate region. Rubia cordifolia is the only climber which had the distribution up to cool temperatre region, while 9 climbers had the distribution up to warm temperate region.
Plant part used The plant part used for various ailments is shown in Fig. 3. The bark of maximum number of trees (39 species) is used followed by fruits (31 species) and leaves (27 species) for various ailments. Leaves of maximum number of shrubs (35 species) are used followed by roots (28 species) and fruits (18 species) for various ailments. Ninty one species of herbaceous plants are entirely used followed by leaves (84 species), roots (58 species) and seeds (29 species). Roots of maximum climbers (19 species) are used followed by leaves (18 species). The grasses and sedges are used as whole plant and roots (each 13 species). The leaves and roots (each 2 species) and whole plant (3 species) of ferns are used.
Fig. 3. Plant parts used for medicinal purposes across different taxa.
Use in ailments The maximum number of tree species used for diarrhoea/dysentary (23%) followed by stomachache (10%) and asthma (9%; Fig. 4). The maximum number of shrubs used for cough and cold (15%) followed by diarrhoea/dysentary (13%) and skin diseases (11%). Most of the herb species used for diarrhoea/dysentary (14%) followed by fever (12%) and wounds (11%). Among climbers, maximum number of species used for diarrhoea/dysentary (14%) followed by fever (12%) and awounds (11%), while grasses and sedges mainly used for fever (17%) followed by asthama (13%) and diarrhoea/dysentary (12%). The ferns used mainly in skin diseases (24%) followed by cough and cold (18%) and fever (12%, Fig. 4).
Fig. 4. Use of different taxa for various ailments.
Conservation efforts Ecological monitoring is one of the essential strategy required for the conservation of biodiversity component required for the conservation of biodiversity as it not only provides baseline data, but also enable to track the changes due to climatic factors over a period of time by considering the reasons responsible for that and the probable consequences. Several changes in different landform units or habitats have been observed in the campus since long (>15 years) due to change in local climate of the region. The seasonal effects and manipulation of water course have changed habitats drastically, such as the long-term directional changes i.e. succession and nutrient cycling. A total of 22 species (6 trees, 5 shrubs, 10 herbs and 1 climber) have been identified for future monitoring, which are important from conservation point of view (Table 2). By recognizing the status of various species growing in the campus, in-situ conservation will be helpful in similar lines as Task Force on MAPs recognizes Medicinal Plant Conservation Areas (MPCA) and the campus will act as gene pool.
Table 2: Important medicinal plants for monitoring in WII campus.
Acknowledgements Authors are thankful to the Director and Dean, FWS at Wildlife Institute of India for encouragement and providing necessary facilities.
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Appendix I. Medicinal and aromatic plant species of Wildlife Institute of India campus, Dehradun, Uttarakhand.
Species |
Local name |
Family |
Nativity |
Altitudinal range (m) |
Parts used |
Uses |
Ichnocarpus frutescens (L.) Br. |
Kali-dudhi |
Apocynaceae |
Zeylan |
300-1500 |
Rt, Lv, Wp |
Rheumatism, blood purifier, asthma, cough, bronchitis, bone fracture, cholera,constipation, dysentery, fever, nigh blindness, measles, ulcer, vomiting tonic, febrifuge, leucoderma |
Vallaris solanacea (Roth.) Ktze. |
Safed-bel |
Apocynaceae |
Ind or. Burma |
300-1600 |
La, St |
Sores, syphilis, abortificient, wounds |
Calamus tenuis Roxb. |
Bent |
Arecaceae |
Reg. Himal. Burma |
250-800 |
Fr, Fl |
Leucorrhoea, amenorrhoea |
Cryptolepis buchananii Roem. andSchult. |
Dudhi-bel, Meda-Singhi |
Asclepiadaceae |
Ind or. |
300-1500 |
Rt, La, Wp |
Fissure on sole, fever, rheumatism, dysentery, dropsy, cuts, cholera, abdominal pain, body ache, stomach ache, syphilis, stop bleeding |
Marsdenia tenacissima Moon |
Marua-bel, Jiti |
Asclepiadaceae |
Ind r. Malaya |
300-1000 |
Rt |
Stomach ache, urinary complaints, cough, fever, asthma |
Telosma pallida Craib. |
Surkilla |
Asclepiadaceae |
Ind. or.; China |
400-1500 |
Lv, Wp |
Cough |
Tylophora hirsuta Wt. |
Terni |
Asclepiadaceae |
Reg. Himal. |
400-1400 |
Lv, Rt |
Bronchitis, cold and cough, abortificient, hydrophobia |
Celastrus paniculatus Willd. |
Kaunya, Malkagni |
Celastraceae |
As Trop Malaya |
400-1200 |
Sd |
Mental disorders and ophthalmia, anaemia, abortifacient, backache, gout, headache, paralysis, stomachache, wounds, swollen veins, rheumatism, leprosy, diarrhoea, bone fracture, bronchitis, cold, cough, body ache, eczema, fever, digestive complaints |
Rivea hypocrateriformis Choisy |
Parhar, Safed Hulhul |
Convolvulaceae |
Geront Trop |
300-1500 |
Lv,Rt, Wp |
Head ache, rubefacient, vesicant, neuralgia, rheumatism, anthelmintic, gum troubles, sexual weakness, fits |
Momordica dioica Roxb. ex Willd. |
Jangli-Karela |
Cucurbitaceae |
Ind Or. |
500-1100 |
Rt |
Fever, injuries, piles, asthma, bronchitis, head ache, postnatal, spleen problem, dysentery, diphtheria |
Mukia maderaspatana Roem |
Ban Kakhri, Gulya Kakri |
Cucurbitaceae |
As. et.; Afr. trop. |
500-1000 |
Sd, Rt |
Malarial fever, urinary disorders, vomiting, tooth ache, diarrhoea |
Trichosanthes cucumerina L. |
Jangli-chchinda |
Cucurbitaceae |
As. et.; Austr. trop. |
500-1300 |
Rt, Fr |
Malaria, fever, jaundice, prugative, stomach problem |
Trichosanthes tricuspidata Lour. |
Indrian, Lal Indrayan |
Cucurbitaceae |
Cochinchin. |
400-1500 |
Lv, Rt, Fr |
Asthma, bronchitis, diabetes emetic, hoops and mouth disease of cattle, burns, diarrhoea, pheumonia |
Zehneria scabra (L.f.) Sond |
Bankundri |
Cucurbitaceae |
Am. bor; Ind. occ. |
300-1500 |
Rt |
Vineral diseases |
Dioscorea belophylla Voigt. |
Tairu, Turar, Tarur |
Dioscoreaceae |
Himal. |
400-1500 |
Tu |
Medicinal, edible |
Dioscorea bulbifera L. |
Genthi, Ratalu |
Dioscoreaceae |
As Trop |
300-2100 |
Tu |
Dysentery, abdominal pain, jaundice, boils, piles |
Dioscorea hispida Dennst. |
Kuliapapad |
Dioscoreaceae |
Ind Or. |
300-1000 |
Tu |
Boils, rabbies |
Dioscorea pentaphylla L. |
Kou, Phal-alu, Kanta-alu |
Dioscoreaceae |
As Trop |
300-1500 |
Tu |
Rheumatism, asthma, bone fracture, cough, bile complaints, anasarca, dropsy, abdominal pain after delivery |
Abrus pulchellus Wall. ex Thw. |
Gaunchi |
Fabaceae |
Ind.or: Afr. austr. |
400-1200 |
Sd |
Stops conception |
Atylosia scarabaeoides (L.) Benth. |
Bandal |
Fabaceae |
Austr |
300-1500 |
Lv, Wp |
Dysentery, cholera, dropsy, gonorrhoea, night fever, wounds, syphilis, veneral diseases, female sterility, child birth, post natal treatment,swelling, anasarca, burns, spermatorrhoea, baldness, small-pox, sores, leg pain |
Butea parviflora Roxb. |
Fabaceae |
Ind Or Burma |
400-1000 |
St, Bk, Rt |
Cholera, diarrhoea, dysentery, madness, mucus in urine, reheumetic pain in ribns, stomach ache tooth ache, verner diseases |
Milletia extensa (Benth.) Baker. |
Gauju, Gonj |
Fabaceae |
Burma |
300-1000 |
Wp |
Spleen diseases, toothache, fever and sores |
Mucuna nigricans (Lour.) Steud. |
Bhaisalu, Gaunchhi |
Fabaceae |
Cochinchin. |
500-1200 |
Sd |
Cholera, throat pain, fever |
Puereria phaseoloides (Roxb.) Benth. |
Sli-niangtythe |
Fabaceae |
Ind Or. Malaya China |
800-1200 |
Lv |
Tooth ache |
Puereria tuberosa (Willd.) DC. |
Siralu, Saral |
Fabaceae |
Reg. Himal. |
400-1500 |
Tu |
Asthma and abdoman pain, body ache, chest pain, cholera, swell and ulcer |
Rhynchosia minima DC. |
Fabaceae |
Reg. Himal. |
400-1200 |
Lv |
Abortifacient |
Vigna vexillata Benth. |
Halunda |
Fabaceae |
Geront. trop. |
300-800 |
Rt, Wp |
Rheumatism, ulcer, cholera, weakness |
Hiptage benghalensis (L.) Kurz. |
Aita-lagula, Madhavi |
Malpighiaceae |
Burma |
300-1000 |
Lv |
Skin diseases |
Cissampelos parriera L. |
Pahre, Parha |
Menispermaceae |
Reg Trop |
600-2000 |
Lv, Rt |
Antidote to snake and scorpion bite, constipation, gastric trouble, cough and urinary troubles, abdominal diseases, colic pain, diphtheria |
Cocculus hirsutus (L.) Diels |
Jaljamni, Chhirentha |
Menispermaceae |
Ind Or. Afr Trop |
500-2000 |
Lv |
Body swelling, wounds and joint pain |
Tinospora sinensis (Lour.) Me |
Gilao, Giloei |
Menispermaceae |
Ind Or. Malaya |
600-1600 |
St, Lv |
Urinary troubles, general debility, malaria, emitic, leprosy, fever |
Jasminum multiflorum (Burma.f.) Aners |
Chameli |
Oleaceae |
As Trop |
250-2500 |
Lv |
Pimples and eczema |
Passiflora edulis Sims. |
Passion fruit |
Passifloraceae |
Brass |
400-1500 |
Lv, Rt |
Stomach ache, sores |
Passiflora foetida L. |
Gharibel, Gudsar |
Passifloraceae |
Brass |
400-1000 |
Sd, Lv, Fr, Wp |
Tonic, debility, headache, inflamation, wounds, itching, asthma, cold and cough |
Clematis gouriana Roxb. |
Kanguli, Belkum, Santi |
Ranunculaceae |
Ind Or. Malaya |
500-2000 |
Lv, St |
Eye diseases, skin diseases, blisters |
Gouania tiliaefolia Lam. |
Rangchero, Kangorkur |
Rhamnaceae |
Ins. mascar |
300-1000 |
Lv |
Diarrhoea and spasmodic pain, dandruf |
Ventilago denticulata Willd. |
Kali-beli, Keonti, Raidhani |
Rhamnaceae |
Ind Or |
300-800 |
Rt, Fl, Wp, Bk, St. |
Fever, night blind, cool, earache, retention urine and faeces, headache, rheumatism, spermat, dysuria, eye diseases, abortificient, syphilis, ulcer, stomachache, |
Rubia cordifolia L. |
Kasoos |
Rubiaceae |
As Trop Temp Afr Trop |
400-2700 |
Rt, St |
Blood clotting agent, menorrhagia |
Cardiospermum halicacabum L. |
Kanphuti, Kakadni |
Sapindaceae |
Reg. Trop. |
400-1500 |
Rt, Lv, Sd |
Supressed mensturation, indigenous and fever |
Smilax wightii DC. |
Bhitura, Chhob-chini |
Smilacaceae |
Ind Or. Malaya |
300-1500 |
Rt |
Dysentery, amoebiasis, veneral diseases, leucorrhoea, urinary complaints, fever, spermatorrhoea, antifertility, anaemia, rheumatic-arthritis, veterinary amoebiasis, gastric complaints |
Ampelocissus latifolia (Vahl) Planch. |
Bhimna, Bhinura, Bhiranya |
Vitaceae |
Ind Or. |
300-1700 |
Rt, Bk, |
Inflmatory, dysentery, fever, boil, bone fracture, pain in stomach, pneumonia, skin diseases, wounds, sores, snake bite |
Adiantum caudatum L. |
Mayurshikha |
Adiantaceae |
Africa et Asia tropica. Ins. N. Hebridae. |
400-1800 |
Wp |
Skin diseases, asthma, fever, cough, bronchitis, burning sensation inside body |
Adiantum incisum Forsk. |
Adiantaceae |
Mexico-Ecuador. Galapagos. |
300-1800 |
Wp |
Skin diseases, diabetes, cough |
Dryopteris cochleata (Don.)Chr. |
Hathajodi |
Dryopteridaceae |
300-2000 |
Rh, Fronds |
Cholera |
Equisetum ramosissimumDesf. |
Dambro |
Equisetaceae |
300-1300 |
Wp |
Swelling |
Lygodium flexuosum (L.) Sw. |
Kukri-bisi, Maha-Jal |
Lygodiaceae |
300-1200 |
Rt |
Cough, abdomin pain, abortificient, cholera, antifertility, constipation rheumatism, eczema, jaundice, cuts, fever, stomachache |
Cheilanthes farinosa (Forst.)Kaulf. |
Sonapali |
Sinopteridaceae |
300-1200 |
Rt, Fronds |
Eczema, menstrual disorder, stomach ache |
Apluda mutica L. |
Tachula, Ponai |
Poaceae |
As Trop Polynes Austr |
300-2500 |
Wp |
Veterinary mouth sores |
Coix lacryma-jobi L. |
Sankuru, Jargadi |
Poaceae |
As Trop |
300-2100 |
Sd, Wp |
Tonic, diarrhoea, fever, dysentery, thirst |
Cymbopogon martinii (Roxb.) Wats. |
Piriya-ghas, Rohis, Rohsa |
Poaceae |
Reg Trop |
300-1400 |
Lv, oil |
Skin disease, cold, rheumatism, biliousness |
Cynodon dactylon (L.) Pers. |
Dubla, Doob |
Poaceae |
Cosmop. |
250-1800 |
Rt, Lv, Wp |
Fever, internal injury, dysentery, dropsy, cramps, piles, bleeding piles, urinary complaints, menstrual disorders, headache, refrifuge, antifertility, carbuncle, wounds, stomach ulcer, sores, stops bleeding, Bleeding from nose |
Dactyloctenium aegypticum (L.) Beauv. |
Makra-ghas |
Poaceae |
Cosmop Trop et Sub Trop |
300-1000 |
Sd |
Stomachache |
Desmostachya bipinnata (L.) Stapf. |
Poaceae |
Madag |
300-800 |
Wp |
Dysentery |
Eleusine indica (L.) Gaertn. |
Jharnpriya-kodu, Mandla |
Poaceae |
Cosmop Trop et Sub Trop |
300-1500 |
Wp |
Fever |
Hemarthria compressa (L.f.) Br. |
Biksa |
Poaceae |
Reg Trop |
400-1000 |
Wp |
Dyspepsia |
Heteropogon contortus (L.) Beauv. |
Kumrya ghas, Kher |
Poaceae |
Reg Trop |
300-1500 |
Sd, Wp, Rt, Awn |
Piles, Scorpion sting, rabbies, dysentery, fever, muscular pain, toothache, atrophy, emaciation, asthma |
Imperata cylindrica (L.) Beauv. |
Sauraun, Siru |
Poaceae |
Reg Calid |
300-2000 |
Rt, Rh |
Piles, fever, intestinal parasites, spleen and liver complaints, tonic, wounds, fermenting rice beer |
Lolium temulentum L. |
Mochni |
Poaceae |
Europe As Temp |
400-2400 |
Wp |
Veterinary convulsion, paralysis due to fungus infected fodder |
Oryza sativa L. |
Dhan, Saatti |
Poaceae |
Ind Or. |
300-1200 |
Fl, Grain |
Antifertility, local drink, edible |
Paspalum scorbiculatum L. |
Paplya, Kodra |
Poaceae |
Geront Trop |
300-2200 |
Rt, Grain |
Painful urination, eye diseases, Cold and cough, sores, carbuncle |
Phragmites karka Trin. ex Steud. |
Narkat |
Poaceae |
As.; Afr; Austr. |
250-800 |
Lv |
Paralysis |
Saccharum spontaneum L. |
Munj, Kansh |
Poaceae |
Geront Trop |
300-1800 |
Lv, Wp |
Burns, cholera, urinary complaints, cough, asthma |
Setaria verticillata Beauv. |
Latkaunya, Laptuna |
Poaceae |
Cosmop. |
250-1200 |
Sd |
Constipation, local drink |
Sorghum halepense (L.) Pers. |
Chinna, Bharu |
Poaceae |
Reg Calid |
300-1500 |
Sd, Wp, Lv |
Stomach disorders, fever, antidote to snake poison, local drink |
Sporobolus diander Beauv |
Sitya |
Poaceae |
As. et Austr. trop |
300-1500 |
Lv |
Burns and pimples |
Themeda arundinacea Ridley |
Kulpura, Kapur-khas |
Poaceae |
Penins.; Malaya |
300-900 |
Rt |
Fever |
Themeda gigantea Hack. |
Poaceae |
Ins Philip |
300-1400 |
Wp |
Spleen complaints, stomachache, sores, impotance, gonorrhoea, cholera, bronchitis, oedema, asthma, anasarca, spermatorrhoea |
Thysanolaena maxima Ktze. |
Naktura, Nastura |
Poaceae |
As Trop |
400-2000 |
Fl, Rt, Sd |
Abortifacient, eye complaints, asthma, bronchitis, antifertility, child birth, pulmonary tuberculosis |
Vetiveria zizanioides (L.) Nash |
Khas, Veeran-mool |
Poaceae |
As Trop |
300-1600 |
Rt, Wp |
Anthelmintic, fever, epilepsy, boils, burns, mouth sores, toothache, malaria, scorpion sting, snakebite |
Dendrocalamus strictus Nees |
Poaceae |
Cosmop Trop et Sub Trop |
300-1500 |
Rt, Lv, Rh, Sd |
Infertility, cough, fever, injuries, tonic |
Cyperus iria L. |
Agarmotha |
Cyperaceae |
Geront Trop |
250-1500 |
Rt |
Rheumatism |
Cyperus kyllingia Endl. |
Cyperaceae |
Amphig Trop |
400-1200 |
Rt |
Tumor |
Cyperus pangorei Rottb. |
Cyperaceae |
Geront Trop |
600-1200 |
Rt |
Atrophy, antidote to snake poison |
Cyperus rotundus L. |
Motha |
Cyperaceae |
Geront Trop |
300-1500 |
Wp, Rt, Bb. |
Astringent, diaphoretic, diuretic, jaundice, wounds, sores, urinary complaints, stomach disorders, dysentery, bowel complaints, masticatory, heat stroke, snake bite |
Cyperus triceps Endl. |
Cyperaceae |
Geront. trop. |
300-1000 |
Rt |
Liver complaints |
Barleria cristata L. |
Saundi, Kala-bansa |
Acanthaceae |
Ind Or. Burma |
250-1500 |
Wp, Rt, Lv |
Bronchitis, swelling on legs, toothache, bodyache, anaemia, pneumonia, wounds, antidote to snake poison |
Dicliptera bupleuroides Nees |
Kulartore, Kuthhi |
Acanthaceae |
Ind Or. |
500-2000 |
Lv, Wp |
Cough, gastroenteritis, checks bleeding from wounds |
Hygrophila auriculata (Schum.) Heine |
Talimkhana |
Acanthaceae |
Ind Or. |
250-600 |
Rt. Lv |
Aphrodisiac, cancer, dropsy, bodypain, jaundice, malaria, tonic, tuberculosis, fistula, impotance, urenogenital complaints, liver complaints |
Hygrophila polysperma (Roxb.)T.Anders |
Minjonja |
Acanthaceae |
Ind Or.; Malaya |
300-1000 |
Wp |
Headache |
Lepidagathis incurva Don |
Acanthaceae |
As Trop |
400-1200 |
Fr |
Ear complaints |
Nelsonia canescens (Lam.) Spr. |
Daledirdu, Panj-ki jadi |
Acanthaceae |
Amphig Trop |
300-900 |
Rt, Fr, Lv |
Wounds, diarrhoea, syphilis, gastric problems, blister, boils on tongue |
Perilepta auriculata Bremek. |
Pandai |
Acanthaceae |
Ind Or.; Burma |
400-800 |
Lv |
Febrifuge |
Peristrophe paniculata Burm |
Kaknadi, Chirchiri |
Acanthaceae |
Ind Or. |
250-1400 |
Wp, Rt, Fr, Lv |
Wounds, gout, rheumatism, eye diseases, bone fracture, sprain |
Rungia pectinata (L.) Nees |
Dabari, Hasa-arak |
Acanthaceae |
Ind Or. Burma |
250-1200 |
Wp |
Small pox |
Agave americana L. |
Ram-bans |
Agavaceae |
As Trop |
300-1800 |
Lv |
Paultice, fish poison |
Trianthema portulacastrum L. |
Santhi, Swet-punarnava |
Aizoaceae |
Am. trop. |
600-1000 |
Rt |
Asthma, amenorrhoea, liver troubles, jaundice |
Achyranthes aspera L. |
Latjiri, Lich-kuri |
Amaranthaceae |
Geront. trop. |
500-2200 |
Wp |
Malarial fever, dropsy, child birth, bleeding, cold, colic, cough, dysentery, headache, ear complaints, hydrophobia, boils, insect bite |
Aerva sanguinolenta (L.) Bl. |
Sufedphulia |
Amaranthaceae |
Java |
500-1500 |
Wp |
Diuretic and demulcent |
Alternanthera ficoides (L.)R.Br. ex Roem.andSchultz. |
Amaranthaceae |
Geront. trop |
200-1000 |
Wp |
Urinary complaints, abortifacient
Alternanthera pungens H.B.K. |
Bharatiya kanti |
Amaranthaceae |
Bras. |
250-1500 |
Lv |
Tonic |
Alternanthera sessilis (L.) ex DC. |
Gaitewar |
Amaranthaceae |
Reg. trop |
200-1500 |
Lv |
Puerperal fever, malarial fever, night blindness, post natal treatment, rheumatism, bone fracture, eye complaints, diarrhoea, dysentery, bee reppellent |
Amaranthus spinosus L. |
Kantelu-marsu |
Amaranthaceae |
Reg Trop |
500-1200 |
Wp |
Dismenorrhoea, antiemitic, blood purifier, cough, cold, eczema, Gonorrhoea |
Amaranthus viridis L. |
Jangli-chaulai |
Amaranthaceae |
Reg Trop |
500-1200 |
Wp |
Vermifuge, centipede bite, Scorpion bite |
Celosia argentia L. |
Gadrya |
Amaranthaceae |
Cosmop Trop |
500-1000 |
Sd, Lv |
Blood purifier, bleeding dysentery, Diarrhoea, Sore in mouth, Purgative |
Centella asiatica (L.) Urban |
Brahmi-buti |
Apiaceae |
Reg Trop et Sub Trop |
300-2500 |
Wp |
Blood purifier, tonic, diuretic, leprosy, syphilis, wounds, mental disorders, cooling, brain nourisher, improves memory |
Arisaema tortuosum (Wall.) Schott |
Bag-Mungri |
Araceae |
Reg. Himal. |
500-1500 |
Tu |
Veterinary diseases, edible |
Sauromatum venosum (Ait.) Kunth |
Bhasm-kant |
Araceae |
Ind Bor Occ |
500-2500 |
Tu |
Skin disease, sores, tumors, poultice |
Scindapsus officinalis (Roxb.) Schott. |
Gaj-peepal, Hathkaul |
Araceae |
Aethiopia |
250-800 |
Fr, Wp. Rt |
Cancer, cholera, bone fracture, scabies, pneumonia, stomachache, syphilis, tuberculosis, asthma, bronchitis, stimulant, aphrodisiac |
Asclepias curassavica L. |
Lamla, Kakatundi |
Asclepiadaceae |
Amer Austr |
300-2000 |
La, Rt |
Gonorrhoea, ulcer, wounds, anthelmintic, abdominal pain, piles, flowers used in psychomedicine |
Acanthospermum hispidum DC. |
Gokhru, Gondhichedi |
Asteraceae |
Bras. |
300-1500 |
Wp |
Skin diseases and fever |
Ageratum conyzoides L. |
Gundrya, Gandhela |
Asteraceae |
Reg Trop |
300-1500 |
Fl, Sd |
Skin ailments, cuts, sores, kindney stone, cancer, boils, diarrhoea, head ache, colic, leprosy, muscular pain, scabies, sores, swell body, uterine disorders, snake bite |
Ageratum houstonianum Mill. |
Neelum |
Asteraceae |
Mexic |
300-1200 |
Wp |
Tonic, diarrhoea |
Bidens pilosa L. |
Kumur, Kumra |
Asteraceae |
Ind. occ. Am.; Austr. |
300-1500 |
Wp |
Cough, bronchitis, leucoderma |
Blumea lacera (Burm.f.) DC. |
Kakranda |
Asteraceae |
Ind Or. Malaya Ins Mascar |
400-1000 |
Lv, Wp |
Vermifuge, piles, cuts and wounds, burns, urinary complaints, bronchitis and fever |
Caesulia axillaris Roxb. |
Bhelwandi |
Asteraceae |
Ind Or. |
300-600 |
Lv, Wp |
Goitre, baldness, stomach complaints |
Centipeda minima (L.) Br. and Asch. |
Nakh-Chhikni |
Asteraceae |
As et Austr Trop Ins Pacif |
300-800 |
Lv, Wp |
Headache, promote sneezing, epilepsy, hydrocele, influenza |
Cirsium wallichii DC. |
Kandeiya, Kandra |
Asteraceae |
Reg. Himal. |
300-3000 |
Lv, Rt |
Hepatic and spleen trouble, skin diseases, scorpion stings, chest pain, dysentery, thirst |
Eclipta prostrata (L.) L. |
Bhangri, Bhangru, Bringraj |
Asteraceae |
Cosmop Trop |
200-1500 |
Wp |
Liver complaints, asthma, fever, constipation, bronchitis, throat pain, conjuctivitis, antiseptic, jaundice, itching, gastric complaints, promote hair growth, scorpion sting, malaria, toothache, wounds, swelling, used in the preparation of bringraj thel |
Elephantopus scaber L. |
Adhomukha |
Asteraceae |
Cosmop Trop |
300-1500 |
Wp |
Intermitant fever, headache, heart diseases, liver complaints, pimples, rheumatism, swelling, dysentery, cough, dropsy, facilitate child birth, syphilis, vomiting, urinary |
Emilia sonchifolia (L.) DC. |
Hirankuri, Dudhi |
Asteraceae |
Afr Trop |
250-2000 |
Wp |
Febrifuge, Diarrhoea, night blindness, cattaract, bruises, cooling, inflamatory, wounds, eye diseases, boils, earache |
Enhydra fluctuans Lour. |
Hingcha |
Asteraceae |
Cochinchin. |
300-1800 |
Wp |
Dropsy, bllod pressure, snake bite, anasarca |
Eupatorium adenophorum Sprengl. |
Kharna, Bakura |
Asteraceae |
Jamaic.; Mexic. |
250-2000 |
Lv |
Antiseptic, wounds, stomachache, toothache, cuts, haemostat |
Galinsoga parviflora Cav. |
Marchya |
Asteraceae |
Amer Austr |
600-2000 |
Lv |
Antidote to nettle sting, stop bleeding, snake bite |
Gnaphalium polycaulon Per. |
Pondpadro |
Asteraceae |
Geront Trop |
300-800 |
Wp |
Gastric complaints |
Parthenium hysterophorus L. |
Gajar ghas, Jhilmi |
Asteraceae |
Amer Bor et Austr |
250-1500 |
Rt, Fl |
Nasal block in cold |
Saussurea heteromalla (D.Don) Hand.-Maz. |
Murang |
Asteraceae |
Reg. Himal. |
500-2000 |
Lv, Rt |
Leucoderma, carminative, fever, colic |
Senecio nudicaulis Buch.-Ham. ex D.Don |
Neelkanthi, Ratpati |
Asteraceae |
Reg. Himal. |
400-900 |
Rt, Lv |
Fever, colic, skin diseases |
Siegesbeckia orientalis L. |
Liskura, Gobariya |
Asteraceae |
Cosmop Trop |
250-2000 |
Wp |
Diarrhoea, bowl complaints, boils, ulcer, wounds, sores, skin diseases, heart diseases |
Sonchus asper (L.) Hill. |
Pili-dudhi |
Asteraceae |
Cosmop. |
300-3000 |
Wp, Lv |
Cuts, blood purifier, wounds, tonic |
Tridax procumbens L. |
Kumra, Kanphuli |
Asteraceae |
Amer Trop |
250-1500 |
Wp, Lv |
Antiseptic, cuts and wounds, toothache, stomach pain, ulcer, sores, stone in urinary bladder, leprosy, diarrhoea, dysentery, fever, haemostat, eczema, blisters and boils, eye diseases, scorpion bite |
Vernonia cinerea (L.) Less. |
Kalgira, Kaljiri |
Asteraceae |
Amphig Trop |
300-1500 |
Lv, Wp, Rt |
Dysentery, impotance, lactation, cholera, constipation, leucorrhoea, malaria, piles, night blindness, skin diseases, wounds, spleen complaints, insect bite |
Xanthium strumarium L. |
Gokhuriya, Bhangra, Kurou |
Asteraceae |
Cosmop. |
250-1800 |
Fr, Sd, Lv, Rt |
Refrifuge, malaria, headache, eye diseases, cancer wounds, piles, rheumatism, scrofula, ringworm, Urinary complaitns, ulcer, toothache, |
Youngia japonica (L.) DC. |
Rumdum, Rupjup |
Asteraceae |
As Trop Austr |
300-1000 |
Rt, Wp |
Urinary complaints, galactagogue |
Cynoglossum lanceolatum Forsk. |
Lichkura, Andhahuli |
Boraginaceae |
Arabia |
300-3200 |
Wp. Rt |
Muscular pain, cold and cough, aphrodisiac |
Cynoglossum zeylanicum Thumb. Ex Lehm. |
Andhahuli |
Boraginaceae |
Ind Or. Malaya |
400-3000 |
Lv, Rt |
Asthma, bronchitis, vomiting, cough and diarrhoea |
Trichodesma indicum (L.) Br. |
Aundhi, Chhota-Kulpha |
Boraginaceae |
Ind Or. Afghan Persia |
250-1500 |
Rt, Fr, Lv |
Stomachache, vermifuge, wounds, sores, boils, eczema, pyrrohea swellings on joints, brain tonic |
Capsella bursa-pastoris (L.) Medik. |
Tuntkya, Botlya |
Brassicaceae |
Reg Temp |
400-4500 |
Lv, Rt, Wp |
Gonorrhoea, diarrhoea, dropsy, blood pressure, cuts and wounds, urinary troubles |
Cardamine scutata Thunb. |
Brassicaceae |
Japan |
450-4000 |
Wp |
Epilepsy, cold and cough |
Coronopus didymus (L.) Sm. |
Jangli-alai |
Brassicaceae |
Cosmop. |
400-2000 |
Sd |
Headache |
Cassia absus L. |
Chaaksee, Cheaksu, Banar |
Caesalpiniaceae |
Cosmop Trop |
400-1000 |
Lv, Sd |
Ophthalmic, skin diseases, wounds, eye infection, diarrhoea, cough |
Cassia occidentalis L. |
Taror, Chakunda, Kasonda |
Caesalpiniaceae |
Cosmop Trop |
400-1400 |
Lv, Sd, Fl |
Eczema, gastric trouble, lactation, ringworm, skin diseases, dysentery, bone fracture, rheum and snake bite |
Cassia pumila Lam. |
Caesalpiniaceae |
Cosmop. trop. |
400-1800 |
wp |
Galact, piles |
Cassia tora L. |
Chakunda, Panvar, Chakramarde |
Caesalpiniaceae |
Cosmop Trop |
400-1300 |
Lv, Rt, Sd, St. |
Night blindness, eczema, antseptic, cuts, cold, stomach ache, wounds, scabies, rhemetic, jaundice, skin diseases, bone fracture |
Cannabis sativa L. |
Bhang |
Cannabinacaeae |
As Centr |
600-2800 |
Lv,Sd |
Intoxication, narcotic, bronchitis, convulsion, cramps, epilepsy, dyspepsia, ear complaint, gonorrhoea, paralysis of tongue, skin disease, laxative, nervine stimulant |
Drymaria cordata (L.) Willd. Ex R. and S. |
Pithpapra |
Caryophyllaceae |
Cosmop Trop |
500-2000 |
Wp |
Burns, boils, headache, diarrhoea, dysentery, pneumonia, skin diseases, mouth sores, tongue sores, hay fever, food poison, insect bite, asthma |
Stellaria media (L.)Vill. |
Caryophyllaceae |
Reg Bor Temp |
300-2700 |
Wp |
Bone fracture |
Chenopodium album L. |
Bathua, Bathu |
Chenopodiaceae |
Reg Temp et Trop |
500-3000 |
Lv, Sd |
Skin disease, urinary complaints |
Chenopodium ambrosioides L. |
Chenopodiaceae |
Reg Temp et Trop |
500-1200 |
Lv, Sd |
Typhoid, anthelum, pneumonia, vermifuge, piles |
Chenopodium murale L. |
Chenopodiaceae |
Reg Bor et Austr |
500-1200 |
Lv |
Asthma |
Cleome viscosa L. |
Jakhya, Hulhul |
Cleomaceae |
Geront Trop |
400-1800 |
Sd |
Rheumatic, arthritis, otorrhoea and wounds |
Commelina benghalensis L. |
Kankaua, Kansura |
Commelinaceae |
Geront Trop |
300-2000 |
Lv, Rt |
Liver complaints, wounds, scorpion bite, sores, fever, laxative, diarrhoea, irritation by catterpillar |
Commelina diffusa Burm.f. |
Kanshura |
Commelinaceae |
Reg. trop. |
250-600 |
Rt |
Antidote to snake bite |
Commelina suffruticosa Bl. |
Commelinaceae |
Java |
300-1500 |
Wp |
Menorrhoea |
Murdania nudiflora (l.) Brenan. |
Kansura |
Commelinaceae |
Ind Or. |
300-2000 |
Wp, Rt |
Leprosy, stomach complaints, giddiness, astringent |
Convolvulus arvensis L. |
Heyranpatu, Rajbala |
Convolvulaceae |
Geront Trop |
250-1500 |
Rt, Wp |
Pergative, burns and bruises, detergent |
Evolvulus alsinoides (L.) L. |
Sankhpuspi |
Convolvulaceae |
Amphig Trop |
300-1500 |
Wp, Lv |
Fever, cough and cold, stomach ache, ulcer, dysentery, asthma, bronchitis and brain tonic |
Evolvulus nummularius L. |
Cgubuoata, Sukrisure |
Convolvulaceae |
Amphig. trop. |
250-1500 |
Wp |
Wounds, cuts, burns, scorpion sting, hysteria |
Ipomoea batatas Poir. |
Shakarkand |
Convolvulaceae |
Reg. trop. |
300-1000 |
Tu |
Rich iron |
Ipomoea cairica Sweet. |
Neeli-bel |
Convolvulaceae |
Amohig. trop.; Aegypt |
300-1500 |
Fr, Sd |
Pugative, cough and cold |
Ipomoea eriocarpa Br. |
Kumpan-bel |
Convolvulaceae |
Geront Trop |
300-1500 |
Lv |
Rheumatsm, ulcer, leprosy, cuts wounds headache |
Ipomoea muricata Jacq. |
Michai |
Convolvulaceae |
Reg. Himal.; Japan |
300-1400 |
Sd |
Fever and constipation |
Ipomoea nil (L.) Roth. |
Kaludanu, Neelkalmi |
Convolvulaceae |
Amphig Trop |
250-2000 |
Wp, Sd |
Purgative, tonic, fever and constipation |
Ipomoea pes-tigridis L. |
Ghiabati |
Convolvulaceae |
Geront Trop |
250-1500 |
Rt,Lv, |
Headache, fever, eye diseases, antidote to snake bite, laxative |
Ipomoea quamoclit L. |
Kamalata |
Convolvulaceae |
Amphig Trop |
250-1200 |
Lv, Wp |
Bleeding piles , ulcer and pain in breast |
Cucumis hardwickii Royle |
Elaroo |
Cucurbitaceae |
Ind Or. |
500-1400 |
Rt, Fr, Sd |
Fever, pneumonia, suppressed urination |
Luffa aegyptiaca Mill. |
Ghangra, Ghia |
Cucurbitaceae |
Geront Trop |
300-1800 |
Fr |
Diarrhoea, prickly heat, vet dyspepsia |
Cuscuta reflexa Roxb. |
Akash-laguli, Amar-bel |
Cuscutaceae |
Ind Or. |
250-2500 |
Wp, St |
Skin diseases, eye diseases, bodyache, cuts and wounds, diphtheria, headache, itching, oedema, anthelmintic, carminative, cough, fever, indigestion, liver complaints and jaundice, nervine weakness |
Euphorbia hirta L. |
Dudhi |
Euphorbiaceae |
Amphig Trop |
300-2000 |
Wp |
Warts, lactification, bronchial infection and asthma |
Euphorbia hypericifolia L. |
Hazardana |
Euphorbiaceae |
Amphig Trop |
400-1400 |
Lv |
Dysentery, diarrhoea and menorrhagia |
Phyllanthus fraternus Webstr. |
Bhui-amla |
Euphorbiaceae |
As. Trop. |
300-1000 |
Wp |
Boils, allergy, abortifacient, diarrhoea, dysentery, dropsy, genito urinary diseases, gonnorhoea, indigestion, gastric problems, jaundice, ulcer, swelling, sores |
Phyllanthus urinaria L. |
Hazarmani |
Euphorbiaceae |
Amphig. trop |
250-800 |
Wp |
Dropsy, gonorrhoea, sleepnesness, urinogenetic disorder, kidney stone, gallbladder stone, hepatitis, liver complaints |
Phyllanthus virgatus Forst.f. |
Bhiuavate |
Euphorbiaceae |
As Trop |
300-1800 |
Lv, Rt, Fr |
Stomache ache, gonorrhoea, cold, fever, itching, dysentery, piles |
Alysicarpus bupleurifolius (L.) DC. |
Fabaceae |
Ind Or. |
400-1200 |
Wp |
Fever |
Alysicarpus vaginalis (L.)DC. |
Davai, Sangue |
Fabaceae |
Ind Or. |
250-1500 |
Rt, Wp |
Antifertility, bone fracture, pain in joints, expectorant |
Crotalaria albida Heyne ex Roth. |
Chunchuni, Ban-Methi |
Fabaceae |
As Trop |
400-1800 |
Sd, Rt |
Constipation and blood purifier |
Crotalaria bialata Schr. |
Fabaceae |
As. trop. |
400-2000 |
Wp |
Tonic, preganant women, urinary problem, facilitate child birth, snake bite etc |
Crotalaria calycina Schr. |
Fabaceae |
Afr Trop |
400-1200 |
Wp |
Syphilis, cholera, dysentery, vener sores, haematuria and pain |
Crotalaria prostrata Rootler ex Willd |
Chunchhuni |
Fabaceae |
As. trop |
450-2000 |
Wp |
Diarrhoea, antiemet and facilitate the child birth |
Desmodium gangeticum (L.) DC. |
Salpalnu |
Fabaceae |
As Trop Austr |
400-1000 |
Rt |
Astrigent, tonic, bronchitis, asthma, dysentery, eye infection, vomitting and fever |
Desmodium heterocarpon (L.)DC. |
Sarivan |
Fabaceae |
As Trop Austr |
500-1200 |
Rt, Wp |
Fever, cough, tonic |
Desmodium laxiflorum DC. |
Kadakratru |
Fabaceae |
As. trop. |
400-2200 |
Rt |
Vomiting, small pox and unconcious |
Desmodium microphyllum (Thunb.) DC. |
Sunsuni, Chattomara |
Fabaceae |
As Trop Austr |
300-2300 |
Rt |
Abortion |
Desmodium motorium (Houtt.) Merr. |
Bhunakra, Ote-atil |
Fabaceae |
As Trop |
400-1000 |
Rt, Lv, Fr |
Rheumetic, wounds |
Desmodium pulchellum Backer |
Jeetedari |
Fabaceae |
As Trop Austr |
600-1300 |
Rt, Fl, St |
Burning sensation in stomach, head ache, cavities in tooth, repels bed bug |
Desmodium triangulare (Retz.) Merr. |
Kalabija |
Fabaceae |
As Trop |
450-1400 |
Rt |
Stomachache, diarrhoea and eye cataract |
Desmodium triflorum DC. |
Kudaliya |
Fabaceae |
Cosmop Trop |
500-2300 |
Wp |
Breast pain, colic, body pain, sores, spleen dysentery, toothache and nail diseases |
Desmodium triquetrum (L.) DC. |
Salparni |
Fabaceae |
As Trop |
500-1500 |
Wp |
Dysentery, toothache, snake bite |
Indigofera cassioides Rottb. ex DC. |
Sakena |
Fabaceae |
Reg. Himal. |
450-2000 |
Lv |
Epilepsy, cough, swell face in labour, urine |
Lens culinaris Med. |
Masur |
Fabaceae |
Oriens |
450-2000 |
Sd |
Small pox |
Macrotyloma uniflorum (Lamk.)Verd. |
Thanthura, Kulthi |
Fabaceae |
Geront. trop. |
400-1800 |
Sd, Lv, Wp |
Kidney stone, postnatal treatment, menstrual complaints, tooth ache, dysentery, burns, leprosy, pneumonia, pleuricy, dysuria, leucorrhoea, renal calculi, bladder stone, blood purifier |
Sesbania sesban (L.) Merr. |
Dhaincha |
Fabaceae |
Cosmop Trop |
300-600 |
Fl, Lv |
Antifertility, chronic eruptions, ulcers, colic, pain, pleurisy, pneumonia and urin trouble |
Uraria picta (Jacq.) Desv. |
Dabra |
Fabaceae |
Geront Trop |
800-1200 |
Rt |
Gonorrhoeal |
Zornia gibbosa Span |
Dwipat |
Fabaceae |
Reg Bor Temp |
500-2200 |
Rt |
Colic pain, sedative and indigestion |
Fumaria indica Pugsley |
Pit-papra, Khairua |
Fumariaceae |
Geront Trop |
500-1400 |
Wp |
Diuretic, Diaphoretic, aperient, wounds, suppressed urination |
Canscora decussata (Roxb.) Roem. |
Sankhawali |
Gentianaceae |
Ind Or. Afr. trop. |
400-2300 |
Wp |
Nerve tonic, blood purifier, stomachache |
Curculigo orchioides Gaertn. |
Kali-Musli, Musali |
Hypoxidaceae |
As Trop |
300-1800 |
Rh |
Jaundice, piles, fever, ear complaints, epilepsy, itching, veneral diseases, leucorrhoea, impotance, cuts, cough, asthma, blindness, eye diseases, bleeding nose, skin disease, diarrhoea, gonorrhoea, unconsiousness in children, tonic, galactagogue, aphrodisiac, veterinary eye diseases |
Hypoxis aurea Lour |
Golkya |
Hypoxidaceae |
Cochinchin. |
300-2000 |
Rh |
Aphrodisiac, injuries, swelling |
Acrocephalus hispidus (L.) Nicols. |
Utkund |
Lamiaceae |
Ind Or.; China |
400-2000 |
Wp, Rt, Lv |
Cold, sore throat, expectorant |
Ajuga bracteosa Wall. Ex Benth. |
Neelkanthi, Kadwipatti |
Lamiaceae |
Afr Trop Ind Or. As |
500-2100 |
Lv, Wp |
Blood purifier, burns, fever, purgative, malarial fever, astringent, febrifuge, tonic, anthelmintic, cuts |
Anisomeles indica (L.) Ktze. |
Goplya, Gobara, Kalabangra |
Lamiaceae |
Ind Or. Malaya |
250-2000 |
Wp, Lv |
Gastric troubles, blood purifier, muscular pain, nervous complaints, fever, wounds, swelling on the neck, astringent, carminative, antipyretic, chek nocurnal emission |
Clinopodium umbrosum Koch. |
Birchee |
Lamiaceae |
Ind Or. ; Oriens |
250-2000 |
Wp |
Blood purifier, gastric troubles, astringent, carminative |
Elsholtzia ciliata (Thunb.) Hyland. |
Chhali |
Lamiaceae |
Europe |
400-2000 |
Fl |
Skin disease |
Leucas cephalotes (Roth.) Spr. |
Gumba, Bishkapru |
Lamiaceae |
Ind Or. |
250-1500 |
Wp, Lv, Fl |
Skin diseases, scabies, fever, cough, cold, malaria, headache, eye diseases, diarrhoea, constipation, tooth and gum troubles, wounds, diphoretic, anthelmintic, anticeptic, antidote to snake poison |
Leucas mollissima Wall. ex Benth. |
Geeta-kushir |
Lamiaceae |
Ind Or.; China |
400-1000 |
Wp |
Bone dislocation |
Nepeta hindostana Haines |
Billilotan |
Lamiaceae |
Europe; Oriens |
400-800 |
Wp |
Fever, gonorrhoea, cardiac tonic |
Ocimum basilicum L. |
Marua, Murya |
Lamiaceae |
As Occ et Trop |
300-1500 |
Lv, Wp, Sd, |
Cold, cough and fever, stomach complaints, headache, earache, dropsy, convulsion, epilepsy, cholera, insecticide, wounds, to remove alcoholic intoxication |
Ocimum sanctum L. |
Tulsi, Shyma-tulsi |
Lamiaceae |
Geront Trop |
250-1000 |
Lv, Wp |
Antiseptic, cold, cough and fever, urinary troubles, vomiting, bronchitis, chicken-pox, cholera, constipation, headache, diarrhoea, dropsy, ear complaints, malaria, colitis, gastric complaints, live complaints, wounds,insect repellent, antidote to poison, leprosy |
Orthosiphon rubicundus Benth. |
Ban-kikri |
Lamiaceae |
Ind Or.; Burma |
250-3000 |
Rt |
Wounds, rheumatism |
Perilla frutescens (L.) Britt. |
Bhangjeera, Bhangiri |
Lamiaceae |
Ind Or. |
250-3000 |
Wp, Lv |
Rheumatic arthritis, bronchitis, cough, uterine complaints, flavouring |
Salvia plebeia Br. |
Sathi, Samundarsok |
Lamiaceae |
As Or Austr |
600-1200 |
Sd |
Menorrhoea and gonorrhoea |
Leea asiatica (L.) Rid. |
Kumali, Nagashya |
Leeaceae |
Ind Or. Burma |
250-1800 |
Rt, Fr, Lv |
Night-fever, cuts, wounds, rheumatism, urine troubles |
Gloriosa superba L. |
Kalihari, Lakya |
Liliaceae |
As Trop |
400-2200 |
Rt, Lv, Rh |
Intermittant fever, cholera, infertility, gonorrhoea, skin diseases, stomachache, sores, syphilis, leprosy, spleen complaints, piles, scabies, scorpion bite, insect bite, asthma, facilitate child birth, abortifacient, anthelmintic, tumors, suppressed urination, veterinary smaall-pox |
Linum usitatissimum L. |
Alsi, Atasi |
Linaceae |
Europe Oriens |
300-800 |
Sd |
Wounds and cough |
Reinwardtia indica Dumort. |
Phiunli |
Linaceae |
Ind Or. |
300-2400 |
Fl, Lv |
Petals chewed as tongue wash |
Abelmoschus manihot (L.) Med. ssp.tetraphyllusvar. pungens (Roxb.) Hochr. |
Jangli Bhindi |
Malvaceae |
Ind Or. |
400-1500 |
Rt |
Pneumonia |
Abelmoschus moschatus (L.)Medik. |
Kapur-kanda |
Malvaceae |
Geront. trop. |
300-800 |
Sd |
Veterinary medicine, perfume |
Malva parviflora L. |
Soncheli |
Malvaceae |
Europe |
400-2000 |
Sd, Lv, |
Gonorrhoea, throat irritation, cuts and wounds |
Malvastrum coromandelianum Garcke |
Suchi |
Malvaceae |
Cosmop Trop |
400-1200 |
Lv, Rt |
Dysentery, wounds, jaundice, rheumatism, sprain, sores, aphrodisiac |
Sida acuta Burm.f. |
Bala |
Malvaceae |
Amer Centr. |
250-2700 |
Lv, Fr, Rt, |
Gastric diseases, vermifuge, stomachabe, gonorrhoea, burns, abortifacient, antiemitic, anthelmintic, tonic |
Sida cordata L. |
Bhiyli, Kharenti |
Malvaceae |
Reg Trop |
400-1800 |
Lv, Rt, Wp |
Gonorrhoea, spermatorrhoea, asthma, impotance, leucorrhoea, piles, urinary complaints, cuts and wounds, dysentery, tonic |
Sida cordifolia L. |
Balu, Barialas |
Malvaceae |
Reg Trop |
250-1200 |
Sd, Rt, Wp |
Rheumatism, dysentery, gonorrhoea, boils, sexual weekness, dyspepsia, stomachache, veneral disease, wounds, spermatorrhoea, leucorrhoea, diuretic, astringent, tonic |
Sida rhombifolia L. ssp rhombifolia |
Bhiunli |
Malvaceae |
Amphig Trop |
400-1200 |
Lv, Rt, St, |
Boils, joint pain, asthma, fever, cuts, bruises, dysentery, rheumatism, tuberculosis, heart ailments, gum infections, tonic |
Martynia annua L. |
Bichhwa, Bichu |
Martyniaceae |
Brass Mexic |
250-2000 |
Lv, Wp, Fr |
Epilepsy, sores, tonsilitis, wounds, scabies, eczema, hair fall, carbuncle, inflamation, itching |
Mimosa pudica L. |
Chu-mui |
Mimosaceae |
Brass |
400-1200 |
Wp |
Dysentery, sores, boils, diruretic, epilepsy, fever, head ache, hydrocycle, kidney disease, leucorrhoea |
Boerhavia diffusa L. |
Pundera, punarnava |
Nyctaginaceae |
Cosmop Trop |
500-2000 |
Rt, Lv |
Tonic, eye complaints, asthma, bronchitis and liver trouble, jaundice |
Ludwigia octovalvis Raven. |
Bhuikura, Datiju |
Onagraceae |
Amphig trop. |
300-600 |
Wp |
Eczema, skin diseases, fever and wounds of toe |
Rhynchostylis retusa (L.) Bl. |
Kopouphul |
Orchidaceae |
Ind Or. Malaya |
300-1500 |
Wp |
Inflamation of wounds, centipede bite |
Aeginetia indica L. |
Kandar |
Orobanchaceae |
As. trop. |
400-1200 |
Sd |
Burns |
Biophytum sensitivum (L.) DC. |
Chuimui, Lajwanti, Murphula |
Oxalidaceae |
Cosmop Trop |
300-800 |
Lv, Wp |
Burn, decreases sexual vigour, gidding, headache, diarrhoea, malaria, muscular and rheum pain and tonic, insect bite |
Oxalis corniculata L. |
Khati-Buti, Chukra |
Oxalidaceae |
Amphig Temp et Trop |
300-1800 |
Lv, Wp |
Conjuctivitis, insect bites, appetite, diarrhoea, dysentery, epilepsy, piles, fever, jaundice, skin diseases, stomachache, |
Oxalis debilis H.B.K.var. corymbosa (DC.)Lour. |
Bhilmori, Chukra |
Oxalidaceae |
N.Granat. |
250-700 |
Wp, Lv |
Antidote to toxicity |
Argemone mexicana L. |
Pili Kateli |
Papaveraceae |
Mexic Amer Bor |
500-1200 |
Sd, Rt, Sap |
Seeds emetic narcotic, Roots vermicide, chewed in leucorrhoea, sap rheumatic pain |
Peperomia pellucida (L.)Kunth. |
Luchipata |
Piperaceae |
Am. et Afr. trop. |
250-1500 |
Wp |
Stomachache, headache, fever |
Plantago major L. |
Kaneli |
Plantaginaceae |
Europe As et Amer Bor |
600-3200 |
Lv |
Gastric troubles, intestinal injury |
Plumbago zeylanica L. |
Chitrak |
Plumbaginaceae |
Geront Trop |
500-2500 |
Rt |
Skin diseases, wounds, causes abortion, eczema, diarrhoea, antifertility, dyspepsia, headache, leprosy, muscular pain, malaria, fever, appetite, spleen complaints, wounds |
Polygala arvensis Willd. |
Nilkanta |
Polygalaceae |
China Ind Or. |
400-800 |
Rt, Lv, Wp |
Cough, asthma, nervous disorders, rheumatism, joint swellings, bronchitis |
Polygonum barbatum L. |
Polygonaceae |
Geront Trop |
300-1500 |
Wp |
Snake bite, fish poison |
Polygonum chinense L. |
Polygonaceae |
As Or Malaya |
300-2700 |
Wp |
Tonic, antiscorbutic |
Polygonum hydropiper L. |
Jiyanti |
Polygonaceae |
Reg. Temp Bor et Aust. |
250-1500 |
Wp |
Skin disease, ring worm, fish poison |
Polygonum plebejum Br |
Polygonaceae |
Geront Trop et Temp |
500-1300 |
Rt |
Baldness |
Rumex nepalensis Spr. |
Khatura, Amlya |
Polygonaceae |
As Occ Ind Or. Malaya Afr Austr |
500-3000 |
Lv |
Dysmenorrhoea, stomach ache, colic, boils, cooling diuretic, purgative, swelling of muscles, scurvy |
Monochoria vaginalis (Burm.f.) Presl. Ex Kunth |
Nanka |
Pontederiaceae |
As et Afr Trop |
250-1000 |
Rh |
Liver complaints, asthma, dysentery, rheumatism, anaemia |
Portulaca grandiflora L. |
Luaniya |
Portulacaceae |
Reg Calid |
600-1500 |
Lv |
Depurative, hepatitis, liver cirrhosis, swelling and pain in the pharynx, insect bites, burns, scalds, eczema |
Portulaca oleracea L. |
Luniya |
Portulacaceae |
Reg Calid |
600-1500 |
Lv |
Liver tonic |
Anagallis arvensis L. |
Jonkmari, Jainghami |
Primulaceae |
Europe AsTemp |
400-2100 |
Wp |
Leprosy, dropsy, Diphtheria and cerebral affection and detach leeches from the body |
Ranunculus arvensis L. |
Chambul |
Ranunculaceae |
Europe As Bor |
500-2000 |
Wp |
Fever, asthma, skin ailment |
Ranunculus muricatus L. |
Chingir |
Ranunculaceae |
Europ; Oriens |
300-1200 |
Fl |
Tonsilites |
Ranunculus sceleratus L. |
Jaldhanya, Aglaon |
Ranunculaceae |
Reg Bor Temp |
500-2000 |
Wp |
Vermifuge, anodyne, skin disorders, considered as poisonous |
Duchesnea indica (Andr.) Focki |
Bhiun-kaphal, Kaphlya |
Rosaceae |
Ind Or. Malaya China |
450-2200 |
Lv |
Diarrhoea and leucorrhoea, cut, swelling |
Potentilla sundaica Kuntze |
Rosaceae |
Ind Or. |
400-2500 |
Rt |
Applied externally on itches, adscesses and snake bite |
Borreria articularis (L.f.) Will. |
Guthari, Sathgathia |
Rubiaceae |
Ind Or. |
300-1000 |
Sd, Lv |
Dysentery, haemorrhoids and diarrhoea, antifertility, body ache, gum trouble, skin diseases, stimul, ulcers, wounds, tooth ache, eye diseases |
Galium aparine L. |
Khuskusa, Kuri |
Rubiaceae |
Reg. bor. temp. et Magell. |
300-2800 |
Lv |
Astrigent and skin diseases, cuts, burns |
Hedyotis corymbosa (L.) Lamk. |
Daman-papar |
Rubiaceae |
Ind Or. |
300-2500 |
Wp, Rt |
Fever, liver diseases, gastric, irritation, jaundice, malariv nervous depression, burning sensation in palms, soles |
Bacopa monnieri (L.) Penn. |
Pani-brahmi |
Scrophulariaceae |
Cosmop. |
300-1200 |
Lv, Wp |
Epilepsy, rheumatic pains, memory, abdominal pain, cough, cooling, headache, eczema, fever, boils, ringworm, tonic, blood purifier, laxative |
Limnophila rugosa (Roth.) Merr. |
Karpurya |
Scrophulariaceae |
As Trop Ins Pacif |
300-1200 |
Lv |
Stomachache |
Lindenbergia indica (L.) Ktze. |
Scrophulariaceae |
Ind Or. |
300-2000 |
Lv |
Bronchitis, cuts, wounds |
Mazus pumilus Van Steen. |
Mastyar |
Scrophulariaceae |
Afr.; Austr. |
250-2000 |
Lv |
Burns, Colic pain |
Scoparia dulcis L. |
Atisirsa, Mithi-patti |
Scrophulariaceae |
Reg Trop |
300-1000 |
Wp, Rt, Lv |
Ulcer of tongue, tonic, urinary troubles, gonorrhoea, digenstion, antiemethic, fever |
Veronica anagallis-aquatica L. |
Sada, Sadevi |
Scrophulariaceae |
Reg Bor Temp |
250-2500 |
Wp |
Cuts, burns and sores |
Physalis minima L. |
Damphu |
Solanaceae |
Geront Trop |
300-1500 |
Lv, Wp, St |
Gastric troubles, ear ache, stomach ache, abdominal disorders, fever |
Physalis peruviana L. |
Rashbhari |
Solanaceae |
Reg. Calid. |
500-2200 |
Lv,Fr |
Boils, dbdominal disorders in pregnancy |
Solanum nigrum L. |
Makoi |
Solanaceae |
Venezeula |
300-2800 |
Lv, Fr |
Diarrhoea, fever, lever complains, dysentery, piles, skin diseases, stomach ache throat trouble, cough, eye complains, goiter, rheumatism, ulcer in mouth, heart ailment, urinary complains, inflamation of kidney, bladder, scrotum and testicles |
Solanum surattense Burm.f. |
Bhuiakhanderi, Barkatali |
Solanaceae |
Geront Trop |
250-1500 |
Fr, Rt, Fl |
Fever, cough, asthma, blisters boils, chest pain, gonorrhoea, gum trouble, paralysis, piles, tooth ache tooth decay, migraine, dropsy, eye complains, scropain bites, urinary complains |
Solanum viarum Dunal. |
Kacharia |
Solanaceae |
Brass |
400-1500 |
Fr,Sd |
Tooth ache worms teeth, contraspetive, mensural complains |
Corchorus aestuans L. |
Titpatti |
Tiliaceae |
Amer Trop |
400-1000 |
Sd |
Dyspepsia |
Corchorus olitorius L. |
Kosta |
Tiliaceae |
Cosmop Trop |
500-1000 |
Lv |
Fever |
Triumfetta rhomboidea Jacq. |
Leswa-kura, Chiryari |
Tiliaceae |
Reg Trop |
500-1500 |
Rt, Fr, Lv |
Cuts, facilitate delivery, dysentery, stomachache |
Urtica dioica L. |
Kandali, Kagoos |
Urticaceae |
Reg Bor Temp |
500-3600 |
Lv, Rt |
Injury, Contrasceptic, ripening of boils, internal injury |
Phyla nodiflora (L.) A. Rich |
Jal-butti, Jal-pipali |
Verbenaceae |
Amphig Trop |
250-1400 |
Wp, Lv |
Cooling, Diuretic, fever, boils, menstrual complaints, postnatal fever |
Viola betonicifolia Sm. |
Vanfsa, Phori |
Violaceae |
Austr. Ins.; Norflok |
500-1800 |
Wp |
Fever, cough, diaphoretic, skin diseases, blood diseases |
Viola pilosa Bl. |
Vanfsa, Kauru |
Violaceae |
Ind Or. Malaya China |
500-3000 |
Wp |
Diaphoretic, body ache, emetic, asthma, bronchitis, wounds and cuts, lungs diseases |
Costus speciosus Sm. |
Keu, Keun |
Zingiberaceae |
Ind Or.; Malaya |
300-1500 |
Lv, Rh |
Fever, bronchitis, cough, cold, constipation, cholera, indigestion, giddiness, scabies, wounds, vermifuge, headache, jaundice |
Adhatoda zeylanica L. |
Baisingu, Basing |
Acanthaceae |
As Trop |
300-1500 |
Lv, Rt, Fl |
Cough and cold, asthma, brochitis, malaria, eczema, rheumatism, antiseptic, pulmonary infections, antispasmodic, fever, anthelmintic, joint dislocation, swelling |
Carissa opaca Stap. |
Karaunda, Karamarda |
Apocynaceae |
Ins Molucc |
300-1200 |
Rt, Fr |
Purgative, fever, cough, diarrhoea |
Holarrhena antidysenterica Wall. |
Kura, Kuri, Dudhi |
Apocynaceae |
As Trop |
300-1200 |
Bk, Lv, Sd |
Dysentery, asthma, febrifuge, apetite, colic, constipation, cough |
Rauwolfia serpentina (L.) Benth. Ex Kurz. |
Sarpagandha |
Apocynaceae |
Ind Or. Java |
300-1000 |
Rt |
Epilepsy, intestinal disorders, nervous disorders, malaria, insomnia, blood pressure, fever, anxiety, vomiting, anthelmintic |
Tabernaemontana divaricata (L.) Br. |
Chandni, Jangli-chameli |
Apocynaceae |
Ind Or. |
300-800 |
Rt, La, Lv, Fl |
Toothache, skin diseases, sores, fever, headache, boils, eye diseases, anthelmintic |
Phoenix acaulis Buch.-Ham. ex Roxb. |
Khajuri |
Arecaceae |
Ind Or. Burma |
300-700 |
St, Rh |
Masticatory, lactation, brochitis, cough, fever |
Calotropis procera Br. |
Aak, Madar |
Asclepiadaceae |
Peruv Afr Trop Ind Or. |
300-800 |
La, Rt, Lv |
Asthma, cold and cough, cholera, dropsy, eczema, leprosy, rheumatism, spleen complaints, skin diseases, stomach disorders |
Artemisia nilagirica (Cl.) Pamp. |
Kunjaa |
Asteraceae |
Reg Temp Bor |
300-1500 |
Lv, St, Wp |
Stomach pain, intestinal worms, antihelminthic, antiseptic, antispasmodic, epilepsy, headache, asthma, menstrual complaints, nervous disorders, peptic ulcer, skin diseases, wounds, sores, tonic, |
Inula cappa (Ham. Ex D.Don) DC. |
Athhu, Tamagari |
Asteraceae |
Reg. Himal. Java China |
300-2500 |
Rt |
Suppressed urination, measles |
Buddleia asiatica Lour |
Bhati |
Buddlejaceae |
As. Trop.; Malaya |
400-1500 |
Lv, Rt |
Abortifacient, skin diseases, inflamation |
Capparis zeylanica L. |
Bauri |
Capparaceae |
Ind Or. |
500-800 |
Fr, RtBk, Lv, |
Diabetes, blisters, boils, cholera, pleuricy, pneumonia, piles, rheumatism, sores, swelling in testicles, ulcer, anthelmintic |
Ipomoea carnea ssp. fistulosa Austin |
Behaya |
Convolvulaceae |
Bras. |
250-1000 |
Lv |
Cuts and wounds, sparain |
Antidesma acidum Retz. |
Amli, Sharschant and Dhakki |
Euphorbiaceae |
Ind Or. Malaya Austr Afr Trop |
400-1000 |
Lv,Rt, Fr |
Blood Dysentery, muscular pain,pneumonia, dropsy, vener diseases and bite of rabid dog |
Ricinus communis L. |
Arand, Andi |
Euphorbiaceae |
Reg Trop |
300-2500 |
Sd,Lv, Rt |
Skin diseases, sores, gum trouble, cholera, boils, constipation, dysentery, dydrocle, joint pain, vermicide, muscular pain, head ache, burns, purgative |
Securingea virosa (Roxb. Ex Willd.) Pax. and Hoffm. |
Athaina,Rithoul |
Euphorbiaceae |
China |
300-1800 |
Rt |
Purgative and aphrodisiac, constipation, stomacache, bone fracture |
Aeschynomene indica L. |
Laugauni |
Fabaceae |
Ind Or. |
400-800 |
Wp |
Impotency and fever |
Flemingia macrophylla (Willd.) Merr. |
Bhanjabasa, Charariaw |
Fabaceae |
As Trop |
600-1800 |
Wp |
Cholera, blindness, cold, dysentery, pain in body, muscles, spleen problem, small pox and stomachache |
Flemingia strobilifera (L.) Ait. |
Ajhar, Chauranga |
Fabaceae |
Ind Or. Malaya |
400-2300 |
Rt, Lv, Fr |
Epilepsy, gastric, hysteria, leucorrhoea, skin diseases, tonic and analagnic |
Tephrosia candida (Roxb.)D.C. |
Fabaceae |
Amphig Trop |
250-800 |
Lv |
Sores |
Flacourtia indica (Burm.f.) Merr. |
Kandai, Kangu |
Flacourtiaceae |
Ind Or. Malaya Madag |
400-1600 |
Fr, Lv, Bk, |
Hepatitis, rabbies, burning sensation in chest, diarrhoea, wounds, eczema, rheumatism, cholera, skin diseases, wet foot, mouth diseases |
Colebrookia oppositifolia Sm. |
Binda, Bindu, Bhirmoli |
Lamiaceae |
Ind Or. Burma |
300-1800 |
St, Rt, Lv |
Wounds, toothache, sores, eye diseases, hysteria, epilepsy, cuts, burns, cough, adulterant to tobacco |
Pogostemon benghalense (Burm.f.) Ktze. |
Kala-basingu, Lujrya |
Lamiaceae |
Ind Or. |
300-2500 |
Lv, Wp, Rt |
Fever, colic, wounds, cuts, haemorrhoea |
Asparagus adscendens Buch.-Ham. ex Roxb. |
Jhirni, Kairu |
Liliaceae |
Reg. Himal; Afghan. |
250-1800 |
Rt, Lv |
Abortifacient, used in dysuria, diabetes, dysentery, aphrodisiac, galactagogue, tonic, veterinary medicines |
Woodfordia fruticosa (L.) Kurz. |
Dhaula, Dhau |
Lythraceae |
As et Afr Trop |
400-1500 |
Lv, Bk, Fl |
Haemorrhoides and tonic, cooling, cough, dysentery, fever, injuries, night blindness, bleeidng in pregnancy, loss of appetite in pregnancy, skin diseases, sores, spleen complaints, sprain, syphilis, ulcer, veterenary sores and ulcers |
Hibiscus rosa-sinensis L. |
Gudhal |
Malvaceae |
Geront Trop |
400-700 |
Bk, Fl, Rt |
Emolient, abortificient, antifertility, bronchitis, child birth, contraceptive, cough, fever, gonorrhoea, kidney diseases, menstrual complaints, urinary complaints, to wash hair |
Urena lobata L. |
Chatkura, Unga |
Malvaceae |
Cosmop Trop |
400-1500 |
Lv, Fl, Rt, Bk |
Diarrhoea, Dysentery, expectorant, body pain, rheumatism, lumbago, hyperacidity, hydrophobia |
Mimosa himalayana Gamble |
Kingrei, Aila |
Mimosaceae |
Ind Or. |
450-1500 |
Lv |
Cough, cold, bronchitis and urinary complaints |
Ficus palmata Forsk. |
Fagu |
Moraceae |
Afr Trop Arab Ind Or. |
600-2000 |
La, Fr |
Sores, constipation, stomachache |
Ardisia solanacea Roxb. |
Gardagulanj |
Myrsinaceae |
Ind Or. Malaya |
400-1200 |
Rt, Bk |
Postnatal treatment, headache, snake bite |
Embelia robusta Roxb. |
Gaia |
Myrsinaceae |
Ind Or. |
250-800 |
Fr, Rt, Lv |
Cathartic, Anthelmintic, especially to expel tapeworm |
Pittosporum nepaulense Reh. and Wilson |
Tumri, Raini |
Pittosporaceae |
Ind.or. (Himal; Sikkim) |
400-1200 |
Bk |
Bronchial and skin ailments |
Rhamnus virgata Roxb. |
Chentuli, Choudelu |
Rhamnaceae |
Nepal |
500-2400 |
Bk |
Ringworm, emetic, purgative and eczema |
Rubus ellipticus Sm. |
Hinssar |
Rosaceae |
Ind Or. |
500-2000 |
Fr,Rt |
Dysentry, malaria, stomach ache and worms |
Rubus niveus Thunb. |
Anchu |
Rosaceae |
Reg. Himal. |
400-2500 |
Fr |
Taken in dismenorrhoea and snake bite, stomachache |
Catunaregam spinosa Trivengadum |
Maindul, Mainfal |
Rubiaceae |
Geront Trop |
300-1000 |
Fr, Bk |
Dyspepsia, asthma, cough, and anthelmintic |
Coffea benghalensis Heyne ex Roem. |
Akubfagee-rip |
Rubiaceae |
Ind Or. Malaya |
300-800 |
Fr, Lv |
Fever |
Pavetta indica L. ssp. tomentosum Bennet |
Angari, Kankra |
Rubiaceae |
As et Austr Trop |
300-1200 |
Lv, Rt |
Dropsy and jaundice |
Murraya koenigii (L.) Spr. |
Gandela, Gani |
Rutaceae |
Ind Or. |
300-1500 |
Rt, Lv |
Anthelmintic, diarrhoea, dysentery, eruptions, laxative, malarial fever, stomach complaints, good for hair, piscicide and insecticide |
Murraya paniculata (L.) Jack. |
Machula, Kamini |
Rutaceae |
As et Austr Trop Polynesia |
250-1400 |
Fl, Fr |
Cough, cold |
Dodonaea viscosa (L.)Jacq. |
Santha, Vellari |
Sapindaceae |
Cosmop. trop. et subtrop. |
250-2000 |
Lv, Fr |
Cuts, wounds, intestinal worms, cold |
Solanum khasianum Cl. |
Charra |
Solanaceae |
Reg. Himal. |
300-1500 |
Fr, Sd |
Cold, cough, asthma, bronchitis, headache, insect bite, toothache, tooth decay |
Solanum torvum Sw. |
Bhurat |
Solanaceae |
Cosmop Trop |
300-1000 |
Lv, Fr,Rt |
Wounds, tooth ache, skin diseases, spleen enlargment, stomach ache and malaria |
Helicteres isora L. |
Marorphali |
Sterculiaceae |
As et Austr Trop |
300-1500 |
Rt, Lv, Fr |
Diarrhoea, spasmodic pain, intestinal worms, stomach ache, vomiting, |
Callicarpa macrophylla Vahl. |
Daiya, Bhirmoli |
Verbenaceae |
Ind Or. |
300-1400 |
Fr, Lv |
Oral aphthae, rheumatic pain, blister, boils on toungue, cuts, headache, indigestion, abdominal troubles, ulcers and wounds |
Caryopteris odorata (D.Don.)Robinson |
Verbenaceae |
Reg. Himal. |
300-1000 |
Lv |
Abortifacient |
Clerodendrum indicum (L.) Ktze |
Chingori, Bharangi |
Verbenaceae |
Ind Or. Malaya |
250-1000 |
Rt, Lv |
Abortifacient, cholera and bronchitis |
Clerodendrum serratum (L.) Moon |
Ban-bakri |
Verbenaceae |
Ind Or. Burma |
350-1500 |
Rt, Lv |
Bronchitis and antidote to snake bite |
Clerodendrum viscosum Vent |
Bhanua, Bhant |
Verbenaceae |
Malaya |
250-1500 |
Lv |
Fever, fits, headache, bodyache, boils, gastric troubles, laxative, vermifuge, skin diseases, chest pain, ulcer, swelling, sores, promotes hair growth, rheumatism, tonic |
Duranta repens L. |
Verbenaceae |
Amer Trop |
250-1600 |
Lv, St |
Used as a stimulating wash for ulcers,expectorant, form a constituent of the well-known Ayurvedic preparation Dasmula |
Lantana camara L. |
Kuri-ghas, Laltenya |
Verbenaceae |
Amer Trop |
250-2000 |
Lv |
Ringworm, itching, skin diseases, malaria, rheumatism, germicidal, insecticidal |
Vitex negundo L. |
Shiwali, Siwain |
Verbenaceae |
As Trop et Sub trop |
250-2000 |
Lv, Fr, Rt, Fl |
Rheumatism, sprains, headache, bone fracture, blisters, boil, cold, bodyache, cough, diarrhoea, dysentery, expectorant, leprosy, gout, gum trouble, itching, leprosy, paralysis, pneumonia, postnatal treatment, toothache, vermifuge, insect repelent, syphilis, scabies, skin diseases, eczema, diarrhoea, cold, diuretic, piles, gout, reduce sex desire, epilepsy, dropsy, arthritis, anthelmintic, analgesic |
Lannea coromandelica (Houtt.) Merr. |
Kalmina, Jhinghan |
Anacardiaceae |
As et Afr Trop |
300-1500 |
Lv, Bk |
Diarrhoea, cholera, dysentery, stomach ache, sores, swell, ulcer and wounds |
Mangifera indica L. |
Aam, Amra |
Anacardiaceae |
Ind Or. Malaya |
300-1000 |
Bk, Sd |
Haemorrhage, diarrhoea |
Alstonia scholaris (L.) |
Chatiyan |
Apocynaceae |
Geront Trop |
300-800 |
Bk, La |
Fever, malaria, diarrhoea, headache, sinusitis, leprosy, wounds |
Thevetia peruviana Merrill |
Kaner |
Apocynaceae |
Am. trop. |
300-1600 |
Rt, Bk |
Cough, bronchitis, bronchitasis, leprosy, Can enhance the musscles of heart and lungs |
Oroxylum indicum (L.) Vent. |
Tantia, Arula |
Bignoniaceae |
As Trop |
300-1500 |
Bk, Fr, Lv, Rt |
Stereospermum chelonoides DC. |
Padeli, Paral |
Bignoniaceae |
Ind Or. Burma |
400-1200 |
Rt, Bk, Sd |
Stomachache, rheumatism, malaria, liver complaints, asthma, cholera, dysentery, nervous diseases. Used in the preparation of Dashamoolarist |
Bombax ceiba L. |
Semal, Salmali |
Bombacaceae |
Amer Austr |
400-1600 |
Fl,Gum |
Aphrodisiac, digestive disorders,pimples, anaemia, asthma, chicken pox, cholera, gonorium, leprosy |
Garuga pinnata Roxb. |
Titmar, Kaikar |
Burseraceae |
Ind Or.Malaya |
300-600 |
Bk, Fr, |
Diabetes, asthma, astring, dysentery, wounds, skin diseases, vener diseases |
Bauhinia purpurea L. |
Guiral, Kwiryal |
Caesalpiniaceae |
Ind Or. Malaya Burma China |
400-700 |
Bk, Lv, St, Fl |
Astring, wounds, stomach, bone fracture, small-pox, rheumetic and dropsy |
Bauhinia racemosa Lamk. |
Jhinghora, Kachnal |
Caesalpiniaceae |
Ind Or. Malaya China |
500-1200 |
Bk, Fr |
Dysenetry and diarrhoea |
Bauhinia variegata L. |
Guiral, Kuiral |
Caesalpiniaceae |
Ind Or. Burma China |
400-1900 |
Lv, Bk |
Leprosy, pile (bleeding), ,a;aroa, worms, dysentery, indigation, fatness, syphilis |
Cassia fistula L. |
Kirala, Amaltas |
Caesalpiniaceae |
As Trop |
400-1500 |
Lv, Fr |
Blood purification, asthma, antifertility, antiseptic, burn, dog bite, cough, diarr, gastric, leprosy, jaundice, liver problem, ringworm, stomach ache, tooth ache, swell of throat, pimples, cancer, blindness, dysuria, epilepsy indigation and syphil |
Terminalia alata Roxb. |
Ashna, Sain |
Combretaceae |
Ind Or. |
400-1500 |
Bk, Fr, Sd |
Anaemia, antiemet, burns, cholera dysentery, fever, haematuria, loose motions, sores, stomach ache and wounds |
Terminalia bellirica (Gaertn.)Roxb. |
Bahera, Bibhitak |
Combretaceae |
Ind Or. Malaya |
400-1300 |
Fr,Sd, |
Cough, asthma, bronchitis, diabetes, gastric, dysuria, cool, leprosy, liver problem, piles, stomach ache, muscular pain and prugative |
Terminalia chebula Retz. |
Triphala', Haira, Har, Harara |
Combretaceae |
As Trop |
400-1200 |
Fr,Sd, |
Bronchitis, cold, constipation, dysuria, eczema, dysentery, measles, sore, pneumonia, stomach and spleen problem |
Dillenia indica L. |
Chalta |
Dilleniaceae |
As Trop |
250-1000 |
Fr, Lv |
Dyspepsia, bronchitis, edible |
Shorea robusta Gaertn. |
Sal |
Dipterocarpaceae |
Ind Or. |
500-1000 |
Resin, Bk, Sd |
Diarrhoea, dysentery, gonorrhoea, loose motion |
Diospyros malabarica (Descr.) Kost. |
Gab, Kala-tendu |
Ebenaceae |
Afr Trop |
450-700 |
Fr, Bk |
Dyspepsia and diarrhoea |
Diospyros montana Roxb. |
Pinna |
Ebenaceae |
As Trop |
450-1000 |
Fr, Rt, Bk |
Cracks in sole, Abortion, dysuria, fever, facilitate delirvery, jaundice, pneumonia, vomiting, diarrhoea |
Cordia dichotoma Forst.f. |
Lasora, Lisora, Koda |
Ehretiaceae |
As. trop. |
300-1200 |
Sd, Lv, Fr, |
Urticaria, ulcer, dyspepsia, expectorant, stomach ache, urinary complaints, jaundice, cholera, cold, cough, chest infection, lung diseases, constipation |
Ehretia acuminata Br. |
Pudila, Nara |
Ehretiaceae |
As et Austr Trop |
300-2000 |
Fr, Bk |
Sores on tongue, edible |
Ehretia laevis Roxb. |
Chamror, Khoda |
Ehretiaceae |
As et Austr Trop |
250-1600 |
Lv |
Bodyache, muscular pain, syphilis, diphtheria |
Bridelia retusa (L.) Sprengel |
Gauli, Ekadaniya |
Euphorbiaceae |
Ind Or.; Malaya |
300-1000 |
Lv, Rt |
Diarrhoea, used for gargle |
Drypetes roxburghii (Andr.) Focke |
Juti, Pitmar |
Euphorbiaceae |
Ind Or. Malaya |
400-1500 |
Lv |
Paste used in skin allergy |
Emblica officinalis Gaertn. |
Anwala, Aola, Aonla |
Euphorbiaceae |
As Trop |
300-2000 |
Fr, Lv, Bk |
Bronchitis, asthma, cooling, burns, constipation, headache, stomach ache, dorpsy, madness, liver problems, diabetes, revive taste, dysentery |
Euphorbia tirucalli L. |
Kharsani |
Euphorbiaceae |
Ind Or.; Afr. or. |
400-1500 |
La |
Bodyache, eczema, wounds, toothache, earache, scabies, rheumatism, warts |
Jatropha curcas L. |
Pahari-arand, safed-arand |
Euphorbiaceae |
Amphig Trop |
300-1200 |
Sd, La, |
Anthelmintic, rheumatism, skin diseases, purgative, pneumonia, pleurisy, chest congestion, cough, onflamation, burns, cancer, abortifacient, syphilis, toothbrush |
Mallotus philippensis Muell.-Arg. |
Rohni, Sindur, Ruin |
Euphorbiaceae |
As et Austr Trop |
300-1800 |
Fr, Sd, Rt |
Anthelmintic, blisters, rheumatism, boils, dysentery, skin diseases, snake bite, tonic for pregnant women, ulcer, vermifuge, constipation |
Sapium sebiferum Roxb. |
Pahari-Shisham |
Euphorbiaceae |
Reg. trop. |
300-600 |
Fr |
Purgative and emetic |
Butea monosperma (Lamk.) Taub. |
Dhak, Tesu |
Fabaceae |
Ind Or. Burma |
400-1200 |
Fl,Sd |
Anthelmintic, antisepctic, blood purifier, tonic and indigestion |
Dalbergia sissoo Roxb. |
Sisham |
Fabaceae |
Ind Or. Afghan |
350-1400 |
Lv, St |
Gonorrhoea, headache, dysentery, leprosy and skin diseases |
Ougeinia dalbergioides (Roxb.) Hochr. |
Sandan, |
Fabaceae |
Ind Or. |
400-1500 |
St, Lv |
Bronchitis, cholera, diarrhoea, asthma and dysentery |
Casearia elliptica Willd |
Chila, Chillak |
Flacourtiaceae |
As. trop.; Austr. |
400-1000 |
Lv, Bk, Fr |
Anthelmintic, wounds, blisters,stomach ache, sprain, head ache, enlarged scrotum, tonic |
Casearia graveolens Dalzell |
Chilla, Chillak |
Flacourtiaceae |
Ind Or. |
400-1800 |
Rt, Bk, Sd |
Liver complaint, stomachache |
Xylosma longifolia Clos. |
Khand-gair, Sialu, Katrai |
Flacourtiaceae |
Reg. Himal. |
450-1200 |
Bk |
Stomachache |
Cinnamomum camphora Nees |
Kapoor |
Lauraceae |
China, Japan |
400-1000 |
Gum, oil |
Fever, cough, chest pain, diarrhoea, rheumatsm, cholera, toothache |
Litsea glutinosa (Lour.) Robins. |
Singrau |
Lauraceae |
Reg. Himal. |
600-2000 |
Bk, Lv |
Bone fracture |
Michelia champaca L. |
Champa |
Magnoliaceae |
Malaya |
300-1000 |
Bk, Rt, Fl |
Inflamatory, antifertlility, asthma, cholera, bronchitis, menstrual complaints, dysentery, fever, mucus in urine, menorrhoea, sores, ulcer, boils |
Kydia calycina Roxb. |
Phuilau, Pulao |
Malvaceae |
Ind Or. Burma |
400-1000 |
Bk, Lv, Rt |
Body swellings, body pain, boils, diabetis, febrifuge, increases saliva, inflamation, rheumatism |
Azadirachta indica Juss. |
Neem, Nimba |
Meliaceae |
Ind Or. |
300-1000 |
Fr, Lv |
Antiseptic, skin diseases, kill lice, diabetes and spermicide |
Melia azedarach L. |
Dainkan, Bakain |
Meliaceae |
Reg. Himal. |
250-1000 |
Lv, Fr |
Abortifacient, wormicides, antiseptic, rheumatic pain, skin diseases |
Toona ciliata Roem. |
Tun, Toon, Cedrla |
Meliaceae |
Malaya Austr |
300-1000 |
Bk, Lv |
Fever, gastric troubles, dysentery and antiseptic |
Albizia procera (Roxb.) Benth. |
Karah |
Mimosaceae |
As Trop Austr |
400-800 |
Sd |
Powder used in gonorrhoea |
Artocarpus lakoocha Buch-Ham. |
Dhau, Barhar |
Moraceae |
India |
500-1000 |
Sd |
Conjuctivitis |
Ficus benghalensis L. |
Barhad, |
Moraceae |
Ind Or. Afr Trop |
500-1200 |
La, Arial Rt. |
Dysentery, sores, boils, diruretic, epilepsy, fever, head ache, hydrocycle, kidney disease, leucorrhoea |
Ficus hispida L.f. |
Moraceae |
As. et. ; Austr. trop. |
300-1500 |
Sd, Fr, Bk, la |
Purgative, emetic, galactagogue, ulcer in mouth, facilitate calf-laying |
Ficus religiosa L. |
Pipal |
Moraceae |
Ind Or. |
500-1600 |
Fr, Bk |
Skin ailment, bronchitis, abortifacient, asthma, carbuncle, cholera, rheumatism, sores in mounth, toothache, small pox, urinary complaints, whooping cough, tonic, gonorrhoea, haematostat, skin diseases |
Ficus semicordata Buch.-Ham. ex Sm. |
Khainu |
Moraceae |
Ins Selebes |
300-1700 |
Fr, Bk |
Leprosy |
Morus alba L. |
Shahtut, Tutri |
Moraceae |
As Temp |
300-1200 |
Fr, Bk |
Vermicidal, purgative, refrigerent, dyspepsia, sore throat |
Careya arborea Roxb. |
Kumbhi |
Myrtaceae |
Ind Or. |
400-1000 |
Lv, Bk, Fl, Fr |
Swelling in face, fistula, ey diseases, fistula, cold and cough, amoebiasis, fish poison, seeds said to be poisonous |
Psidium guajava L. |
Amrood, Mansala |
Myrtaceae |
Amer Trop |
400-1200 |
Bk, Lv |
Throat infections, diarrhoea |
Syzygium cumini (L.) Skeels |
Jamun, Phalenda |
Myrtaceae |
As et Austr Trop |
400-900 |
Lv,Sd,Fr, Bk |
Anaemia, astringent, colic, cancer, diarrhoea, diabetes, piles, digestive problem |
Nyctanthes arbor-tristis L. |
Kura, Harsingar |
Oleaceae |
Ind Or. |
300-1500 |
Lv, Bk, Fr |
Bone fracture, cough, fever, dysentery, indigestion, internal injury, malaria, rheumatism, scales on scalp, skin disease, sores, ulcer, scitica, obescity |
Zizyphus mauritiana Lamk. |
Ber, Ajapriya, Badra |
Rhamnaceae |
Ind Or. Malaya |
300-1200 |
Fr, Lv, Rt |
Dysentery, headache, digestion, rheumatism, cough, wounds, fever, eye diseases, diarrhoea, cholera, colic, blood furification, sore, spleen problem and ulcer |
Pyrus pashia Buch.-Ham. Ex Don. |
Garhmehan, Soh-shur |
Rosaceae |
Reg. Himal. |
400-2600 |
Lv |
Eye problem and digestive disorder |
Anthocephalus chinensis (Lamk.) Rich. Ex Walp. |
Kadamb |
Rubiaceae |
China |
300-900 |
Bk, Fr |
Skin diseases, pimples, dysentery, sores, fever, cholera, veterinary foot and mouth diseases, snake bite |
Salix tetrasperma Roxb. |
Gad-bhains, Jalmalya |
Salicaceae |
Ind Or.; Malaya |
400-1400 |
Bk |
Fever |
Schleichera oleosa (Lour.) Oken. |
Kusum, Koshamra |
Sapindaceae |
Ind Or. Malaya |
300-1200 |
Sd, Bk, Fr |
Hair tonic, pleurisy, pneumonia, fever, itching, rhematism, skin diseases, wounds, ulcer, paralysis cool, cholera and burn |
Grewia tiliaefolia Vahl. |
Tiliaceae |
As et Afr Trop |
500-1200 |
Rt, Fr, Bk, Lv |
Syphilis |
Celtis australis L. |
Khairk |
Ulmaceae |
Ind Or.; As. temp.; Europe |
600-2000 |
Bk |
Pimples, contusions, sprains and joint pains |
Broussonetia papyrifera Vent. |
Urticaceae |
250-1000 |
Fr, Lvs, Bk, Sap, St |
Tonic for liver and kidneys, blood defficiency, vertigo, impotence, gonorrhoea, dysentery, neurodermatitis, eczema, bee-sting |
Premna mucronata Cl. |
Akond, Gauntia |
Verbenaceae |
Ind Or. |
300-1200 |
Bk, Fr, St, |
Eczema, throat pain, boils, febrifuge |