Sunday, 23 February, 2025

Ethnobotanical Leaflets

Bridging Nature, Tradition, and Discovery in Ethnobotany

Ethnobotanical Observations in the Mornaula Reserve Forest of Kumoun, West Himalaya, India

Shreekar Pant* and S.S. Samant

Centre for Biodiversity Studies, School of Biosciences and Biotechnology,

Baba Ghulam Shah Badshah University, Rajouri-185 131, J&K; and

G.B. Pant Institute of Himalayan Environment and Development,

Himachal Unit, Mohal-Kullu- 175 126, Himachal Pradesh, India

Corresponding author E-mail: [email protected]

Issued: February 01, 2010


A field trip was undertaken in the Mornaula Reserve Forest of Kumaun, West Himalaya, India. A collection of plants was made from this reserve forest at an altitude ranging from 1500-2200m amsl. Local people were contacted for the local names and uses of plants growing there. They are used as medicine, edible, fuel, fodder, timber, fiber, agricultural implements, and religious ceremonies.

Key words: Ethnobotany, Mornaula Reserve Forest, Indigenous Knowledge, Utilization Pattern.


India is one of the leading countries in Asia in terms of the wealth of traditional knowledge systems related to the use of plant species and blessed with rich and diverse heritage of cultural traditions. The diverse natural habitats all over the Himalayan Region are rich repositories of plant diversity that are used for a variety of purposes i.e., food, fiber, fodder, medicine, spices, dyes, making agriculture implements etc. A large number of plants from the wild/cultivated are widely used in traditional systems of medicine and a few of them having trade values. More than 43% of the total flowering plants are reported to be of medicinal importance (Pushpangadan, 1995) and a large number of them are used in Ayurveda, Homeopathy and Unani systems of medicine. In the Indian Himalayan Region (IHR) the use of medicinal plants is still a tradition continued by local people or ethnic communities. Even today the traditional health care practices hold much potential or most of the people depend upon the nearby plant species (Farooquee, 1994 and Maikhuri et al., 2000).

The Indian Himalayan Region (IHR) harbours 18,440 species of the flora (Singh and Hajra, 1996). The rich plant diversity of the region is used for the various purposes such as medicinal, wild edible, fuel, fodder, religious, timber, making agricultural implements, etc. by the inhabitants. This is the fact that 1,748 medicinal plants, 675 wild edibles, 155 plants of sacred belief, 118 essential oil yielding medicinal plants and 279 fodder plants have been recorded from the IHR (Samant et al., 1998; Samant and Dhar, 1997; Samant and Pant, 2003; Samant and Palni, 2000 and Samant, 1998).

Several studies have been carried out on the use of the medicinal plants in the IHR in general and Uttarakhand State in particular (Samant et al., 1998; Joshi et al., 1999; Gaur, 1999; Pande and Joshi, 2001; Samant et al., 2001; Tripathi, 2001; Samant et al., 2002; Dhar et al., 2002; Samant and Pal, 2003; Kala et al., 2004; Kala, 2005 and Pant, 2005). But, most of the studies have given focused on inventorisation of the wild plants. Such kinds of studies have not been attempted by any of the workers in Reserve Forests of the Uttarakhand. Therefore, present study has been conducted in the surrounding villages of the Mornaula Reserve Forest (2924-2930N to 7949-7952E) of the Uttarakhand State to document the ethnobotany of the reserve forest in particular and in general.

Materials and Methodology

The present study is based on the extensive and intensive surveys conducted in 9 villages i.e., Khakar, Bhetuania, Dole, Damar, Tarani, Bercheula, Lohanigaon, Harinagar, and Nartola surrounding the MRF from 2002-2004. The old knowledgeable persons including village vaidhyas from each village were interviewed and information was generated on the local names, indigenous uses and traditional practices of the species( Photo 1, 2, and 3) and in some cases we used secondary sources (Jain, 1991). The fresh samples of the species were collected and brought to the Institute for identification with the help of research papers and local floras (Gaur, 1999; Osmaston, 1978; Babu, 1977; Naithani, 1985 and 85; Samant, 1987 and Pangtey et al., 1988). The nativity and endemism of the species have been identified based on the distribution of the species (Anonymous, 1883-1970; Samant, 1993; Samant et al., 2001 and Samant et al., 2002). The species restricted to the IHR have been identified as endemic and those extended to neighbouring countries and States, considered as near endemic.


Species Diversity and Utilization Pattern

The present study recorded 337 economically important species (trees: 75 spp.; shrubs: 69 spp.; and herbs: 193 spp. including pteridophytes: 07 spp.) belonging to 111 families and 260 genera from the MRF. These species have been used as medicine (221 spp.), wild edible/food (114 spp.), fodder (94 spp.), fuel (40 spp.), religious (12 spp.), making agricultural implements (11 spp.), timber (09 spp.), and various other uses (25 spp.). Among the useful species, 144 species had multipurpose utility and 193 species had single utility. The use pattern indicated that leaves of 117 species, whole plants of 79 species, fruits of 68 species, roots of 55 species, aerial parts of 28 species, barks of 27 species, seeds of 21 species, flowers of 18 species, and bulbs/tubers of 16 species were used, while the other parts such as latex, inflorescence, seed oil, bark oil and fronds were widely used for various purposes (Table 1).

Distribution pattern

Altitudinal distribution

The altitudinal distribution of the economically important species indicated that relatively maximum species were distributed between 1500-1800m amsl zone and minimum species in the zone >1801m. Altitudinal distribution of the economically important species within different use categories has been presented (Fig. 1).

Fig. 1. Altitudinal distribution of economically important species in MRF.

Nativity and Endemism

Among the economically important species (i.e.,337), 44.80 % species were native, 9.19 % species having Indian Origin and 45.99 % species were distributed to other biogeographic regions.

Indigenous uses

Of the total 337 economically important species, 221 species were used for curing various diseases/ailments. For example, fronds of Adiantum venustum were used in fever; roots of Acorus calamus were used for curing bronchitis, toothache, headache, and pain in neck; and Asparagus racemosus in rheumatism, bleeding from nose, blood from urine, cough, diarrhoea, dysentery, gastric complaints, snake bite, menstrual complaints, ulcer on tounge, urinary complaints; whole plant of Artemisia nilagarica in asthma, ear complaints, epilepsy, menstrual complaints, nervous disease, skin disease, stomachache, and as tonic; roots of Bergenia ligulata in kidney stone; roots and leaves of Melothria heterophylla in antifertility, cuts, diabetes, fever, stomatache; roots of Malva verticillata in cough, emollient pectoral complaints, piles, ulcer, and urine complaints. The remaining species are used for the treatment of various diseases/ailments (Table 1).

Among all the species, 144 species had multipurpose utility (Table 1), for example, Pistacia integerrima was used for medicine, edible (food), fodder, tannin, timber, and dye; Cornus capitata was used for edible fruits (food), fuel, and animal bedding; Quercus leucotrichophora was used for fuel, fodder and timber; Polygonatum verticillatum was used for medicine, edible (food) and other purposes; Cynodon dactylon was used for medicine, religious and ornamental purposes in lawns; Myrica esculenta as medicinal, edible, fuel, etc.Grewia oppositifolia for medicine, fodder, fuel, and fibre; and Pyrus pashia as medicine, edible, fuel, fodder, and religious purpose.

Table 1. Economically important plants of the MRF, Kumaun, West Himalaya, India.

Family/Taxa Local name Altitudinal range (m) Life form Part/s used Indigenous uses
Aechmanthera gossypina (Nees) Nees 1500-1800 Sh AP Fodder
Barlaria cristata L. 1500-1600 H WP Medicinal (Anaemia, body pain, headache, swelling legs, toothache); edible
Dicliptera roxburghiana Nees Kathmul 1500-2200 H WP Medicinal (Tonic)
Goldfussia dalhoussiana Nees 1500-2200 H AP Fodder; Making Dye
Justicia adhatoda L. Adasthodalam 1500-1800 Sh Rt, Fl, Fr, Lf, Wd Medicinal (Antipyretic, anthelmintic, antiseptic, antispasmodic, asthma, bronchitis, child birth, cold, consumption cough, dislocation of joints, eczema except febrifuge, malaria, pulmonary affect, rheumatism, swelling, venereal complaints); edible
Acer cappadocicum Gledt. Duthkhamia 1800-2200 T Lf Fodder
A. oblongum Wall. Safed putli 1500-2000 T Lf, St Fodder; Agricultural tool; Timber; Fuel
Agave americana L Rambas 1500-1700 Sh Lf, Rt Medicinal (Purgative, emmenagogue, diuretic)
Allium cepa L. Lashun 1800-2000 H Lf, Rt Medicinal (Anti anthelmintic, blisters, boils, bronchitis, piles, ring worm); used as spices
A. sativum L. Jaubus 1800-2200 H Lf, Rt Medicinal (Eczema, piles, rheumatic pain, whooping cough); Used as spices
Achyranthes aspera L. Ultisah ji 1500-2200 H WP Medicinal (Abortifacient, antifertility in women, asthma, bleeding in delivery, boils, bronchitis, child birth, cold, cough, debility, dropsy, dog bite, dysentery, ear complaint, eye complaints, febrifuge, germicide, headache, hydrophobia, insect bite, laxative leucoderma, liver complaints, pain in ribs, body, piles, pneumonia, reduces hunger, renal complaints, rheumatism, scabies, scorpion bite, skin disease, sore, stomachache, syphilis, tonic, toothache, whooping cough, wounds, veterinary medicinal to expel placenta, eye complaints) ; Edible
A. bidentata Bl. Adhajhar 1500-1800 H WP Medicinal (Blisters in mouth, cholera hermicrania, scrofula, scorpion sting, swelling, whooping cough)
Amaranthus spinosus L. Kanta-bhanji 1500-1700 H WP Medicinal (Abortifacient, antiemetic, blood purifier, cold, cough, colic, eczema, gonorrhoea, heat in body, laxative, piles, purgative, scorpion sting, snake bite); Edible
Cyathula tomentosa (Roth) Moq. 1500-1800 H Rt, Lf, Px Medicinal (Skin disease); Fodder
Pistacia integerrima Sw. Kakrasingi 1500-1800 T Kr Medicinal (Tonic, expectorant, cough, phtisis, asthma, fever, appetite, irritability of the stomach, chronic pulmonary affection, dyspeptic vomiting and diarrhoea); Edible; Fodder; Tanning; Timber; Dye
Rhus cotinus L. 1500-1800 Sh Fr, Fl Tanning, dye yellow
R. javanica L. 1500-1600 Sh Lf Fodder
R. parviflora Roxb. Murthi 1500-2000 Sh Rt, Fr, Bk Medicinal (Sun burn); Edible
R. wallichii Hk. f. 1500-1800 T St Agricultural tool
Bupleurum longicaule Wall. ex DC. Kala-ajwain 1600-2200 H Rt Medicinal (Liver complaints)
Centella asiatica (L.) Urban Bramhi 1500-2000 H WP Medicinal (Anthelmintic, blood disease, blood dysentery, brain tonic, cholera, cooling, cough, diarrhoea, diuretic, dysentery, eczema, eye complaints, fever, gastric disease, headache, insanity, leprosy, liver complaints, nervine disease, post natal tonic, respiratory disease, skin disease, stomachache, syphilis tonic tubercular, tumor, boil, urine complaints, wounds); Edible
Heracleum candicans Wall. ex DC. Gandharajan 1700-2200 H WP Medicinal (Leucoderma, menstrual complaints); Edible
Hydrocotyle javanica Thunb. Aulijhar 1500-1800 H WP Medicinal (Dysentery, indigestion, fever)
Selinum tenuifolium Wall. Bhutkesh 1800-2200 H WP Medicinal (Incense, insecticidal, nervine, sedative)
Trachelospermum lucidum (Don) K. Schum 1500-1800 Sh Bk, Lf Medicinal (Malarial fever); Fodder
Ilex dipyrena Wall. Bhasikaral 1600-2200 T Lf, Wd Fodder; Fuel
Acorus calamus L. Bach 1500-2200 H Px, Rt, Rh Medicinal (Bronchitis, Tooth problem, headache, pain in neck)
Arisaema tortuosum (Wall.) Schott Bibanka 1500-2200 H WP Medicinal (Veterinary); Edible
A. flavum (Forsk.) Schott. Bang 1600-2200 H Bb Medicinal (Skin disease)
A. jacquemontii Bl. Bang 1700-2200 H Bb Medicinal (Ring worm, Skin disease); Edible
Hedera nepalensis Koch. 1500-2200 Sh Fr, Lf Medicinal (Cold, cough, Stimulant, diaphoretic, cathartic, rheumatism); Edible
Phoenix humilis Royle Khajoor 1500-1700 T Fr Edible
Cryptolepis buchanani Roem. and Schultes Audita 1500-1800 Sh WP Medicinal (Rickets, milk supply); Fiber
Asparagus racemosus Willd. Keruva 1500-2200 Sh Fr, Rt Medicinal (Anthlemintic, aphrodisiac, rheumatism, bleeding from nose, blood from urine, cough, diarrhoea, dysentery, febrifuge, gastric complaints, gonorrhoea, headache, importance, leucorrhoea, menstrual complaints, snake bite, stomachache, tonic, ulcer on tongue, urine complaints, wounds); Edible
Ageratum conyzoides L. Ajgandha 1500-1800 H Lf Medicinal (Antilithic for kidney stone, antiseptic, boils, burns, cancer, cuts, diarrhoea, flatul in colic, headache, heamostate, leprosy, muscular pain, piles, prolapsus anus, ringworm, scabies, skin disease, snake bite, sores, swell body, tumor, uterine disorder); Edible
Ainsliaea aptera DC. Karu-buti 1500-2200 H Rt Medicinal (Stomachache)
Anaphalis contorta (D.Don) Hk.f. Poth 1500-2200 H Fl Medicinal (Antibacterial, stop bleeding)
A. triplinervis (Sims.) Cl. Bukki 1800-2200 H WP Medicinal (Diuretic)
Artemisia nilagarica (Cl.) Pamp. Pati 1500-2200 Sh WP Medicinal (Abscess, analgesic, anthelmintic, antiseptic, antispasmodic, asthma, ear complaints, epilepsy, febrifuge haemostatic, headache, menstrual complaints, nervous disease, peptic ulcer, skin disease, sores, stomachache, tonic, vermifuge, wounds); Edible
Bidens pilosa L. 1500-2000 H WP Medicinal (cough, cuts, diarrhoea, ear and eye complaints, headache, inflammation, leprosy, skin disease, snake bite, sores, wounds); Edible
Blumea lanciniata (Roxb.) DC. 1500-2200 H WP Medicinal (Blood purification)
Conyza stricta Willd. 1500-1600 H WP Medicinal (Bone fracture)
Eupatorium adenophorum Spreng. Pookiduva 1500-2000 H Lf Medicinal (Cuts, injuries, wounds as haemostat, stomachache)
Galinsonga parviflora Cav. 1500-2100 H Lf Medicinal (Stop bleeding)
Gerbera gossypina (Royle) Beauv. Kapasi 1800-2200 H Rt Medicinal (Blood pressure, gastric disorder)
Inula cappa DC. 1500-2000 Sh Lf Fodder
Senecio nudicaulis Buch.-Ham. ex Don 1500-2200 H Rt Medicinal (Cough, cold)
S. rufinervis DC. 1600-2100 Sh Lf Fodder
Sonchus oleraceus L. Chakor patti 1800-2200 H AP Medicinal (Jaundice, gout; liver complaints; tonic)
Tegetes minuta L. Ban Hajari 1500-2200 H WP Oil (Aromatic)
Taraxacum officinalis Webber Kanphul 1500-2200 H WP Medicinal (Blister blood purifier, bowel complaints, diuretic, dysentery, gastric, ulcer, headache, kidney disease, liver complaints, tonic, vertigo wounds); Edible
Youngia japonica (L.) DC. 2000-2200 H WP Medicinal (Urine complaints)
Begonia picta Sm. 1500-2000 H Lf Medicinal (Bristles on tongue, ulcer on mouth)
Berberis aristata DC. Kilmora 1500-2200 Sh Rt, Bk, Fr Medicinal (Bite of rat, snakes, boils, eye complaints); Edible
B. asiatica Roxb. Kilmora,Chutar 1500-2200 Sh WP Medicinal (Antidote to snake bite complaints, malaria, piles); Edible; Fuel
Alnus nepalensis Don Utish 1500-2200 T Lf, St Fodder; Fuel; Agricultural tools,
Betula alnoides Buch.-Ham. ex Don Kat bhoj 1700-2200 T St Fuel; Timber
Arabidopsis thaliana (L.) Heynh. 1500-2200 H WP Medicinal (Treatment of sores in mouth)
Brassica campestris L. Sarsoo 1500-2200 H WP, Sd Edible; Religious
Capsella bursa-pastoris (L.) Medik 1500-2000 H WP Medicinal (Blood pressure, iarrhea, dropsy)
Cardamine impatiens L. 1600-2000 H WP Medicinal (Stimulant, diuretic)
Rorippa indica (L.) Hiern. 1500-1600 H Sd Medicinal (Asthma, bronchitis)
Thlaspi arvense L. 1500-2000 H WP Medicinal (Wounds, cuts. Pulmonary infection, swelling)
Sarcococa saligna (Don) Muell.-Arg. Chamlohat 1500-2200 Sh Lf, Fi Fodder; Fibre (making fiber)
Bauhinia variegata L. Guiral 1500-1800 T Bk, Fl, Rt, Lf Medicinal (Diarrhoea, dysentery, fatness, indigestion, laxative, leprosy, malaria, piles (bleed), scrofula, skin disease, snake bite, syphilis, tumors, ulcers, worms); Edible
Cannabis sativa L. Bhang 1500-2200 H Bk, Lf, Sd, Fr, Fl Medicinal (Anthelmintic, appetite, bowel complaints, bronchitis, cold, cough, convulsion, cramp, eye disease, gonorrhoea, laxative, narcotic, nervine stimulant, paralysis of tongue, piles, skin disease, skin eruption); Edible
Lonicera quinqulocularis Hardw. Badkukra 1600-2200 Sh Lf Fodder
Viburnum cotinifolium Don Titmolia 1600-2200 Sh Bk, Fr, St Medicinal (Menorrhea); Edible; Fodder; Fuel
V. mullaha Buch.-Ham. ex Don Titmuya 1600-2200 T Fr Edible; Fodder; Fuel
Cerastium cerastioides (L.) Britt. Pangein 1700-2200 H WP Medicinal (Backache, bodyache, headache, renal pain, cough)
Drymaria cordata (L.) Willd. 1500-1600 H WP Medicinal (Asthma, burn, cold, diarrhoea, dysentery, food poison, heavy fever, headache, insect bite, laxative, mouth and tongue sores, pneumonia, skin disease, snake bite, stomachache, vomiting, wounds)
Stellaria media (L.) Vill. 1500-2200 H WP Medicinal (Bone fracture); Edible
Euonymus pendulus Wall. Kanki 1700-2100 T Lf Fodder
Maytenus rufa (Wall. ex Roxb.) Raju and Babu 1500-1800 T Fr Edible
Chenopodium album L. Bathua 1500-2000 H Lf, Sd Medicinal (To revive taste, skin disease, urine complaints); Edible
C. ambrosioides L. Chisikbol 1500-2000 H Lf Medicinal (Anthelmintic, influenza, pneumonia, typhoid, vermifuge)
Terminalia chebula Retz. Harar 1600-1800 T Fr, Bk Medicinal (Bronchitis, cold, colic, constipation, cough, diabetes, diarrhoea, disuria, dysentery, eczema, eye disease, haematuria, indigestion, measels, menstrual, complaints, pneumonia, purgative, sores in throat, spleen complaints,); Edible
Commelina benghalensis L. Kankaua 1500-1600 H Lf, Rt Medicinal (Diarrhoea, fever, irritation by bristles of caterpillar, laxative, liver complaints refrigerent, scorpion bite, snake bite, sores, wounds); Edible
C. paludosa Bl. Patugia 1500-1600 H WP Medicinal (on insect stings)
Coriaria nepalensis Wall. 1500-2000 T Fr Edible
Cornus capitata Wall. Bamor 1500-2000 T Fr, St Edible; Fuel; Agricultural tools
C. macrophylla Wall. Khagsoo 1500-2000 T Fr, St Edible; Fuel
C. oblonga Wall. 1800-2200 T St Fuel
Carpinus viminea Lindl. Chamkharik 1500-2200 T Lf, St, Bk Medicinal (Stomachache, liver complaints); Fodder; Fuel
Kalanchoe pennata (Lamk.) Pers. Patherchut 1500-1800 H Lf Medicinal (Amoebic dysentery, body heat, boils, sores, wounds, gastric complaints, headache, influenza, insect bite, kidney stone)
Cucurbita maxima Duch. ex Lam. Kaddu 1500-2200 H Fr, Sd Medicinal (Intestinal Worms), Edible
Melothria heterophylla (Lour.) Cong. Bankakri 1700-2200 H Rt, Lf, Fr Medicinal (Antifertility, cuts, diabetes, fever, stomachache); Edible
Trichosanthes tricuspidata Indraini 1500-2000 H Lf, Rt, Sd Medicinal (Burns, diarrhoea, dysentery, fever, pneumonia, rheumatism, snake bite, vomiting); Edible
Carex cruciata Walhlenb. 1500-2200 H WP Fodder
Cyperus compressus L. 1500-1800 H WP Fodder
C. difformis L. 1500-1800 H WP Fodder
C. niveus L. 1500-2000 H WP Fodder
C. squarrosus L. 1500-1800 H WP Fodder
C. triceps Lindl. 1500-1800 H WP Fodder
Dioscorea belophylla Voigt. Tarar-ki-bel 1500-1900 H Tu Medicinal (boils, jaundice); Edible
D. bulbifera L. Dhankanda 1500-1800 H Tu Medicinal (Abdominal pain, boils, bone fracture, dysentery, piles, jaundice)
D. deltoidea Wall. ex Kunth Gun 1500-2200 H Tu Medicinal (Dysentery, piles); Edible
Drosera peltata Sm. Bachizhar 1700-2200 H WP Medicinal (Curious, insectivorus); Fodder; Dye
Cordia wallichii G. Don 1600-2200 T Fr, Bk Edible
Elaeagnus conferta Roxb. Palaga 1500-2000 Sh Fl, Fr Medicinal (Sores, ulcer); Edible
Lyonia ovalifolia (Wall.) Drude Angyar 1500-2200 T WP Medicinal (Boils, pimples, skin eruption, worms, wounds); Fuel
Rhododendron arboreum Sm. Burans 1500-2200 T Fl, Lf Medicinal (Dysentery, fever, headache, rheumatism, wounds); Edible; Fuel
Daphniphyllum himalayense Muell.-Arg. Ragarchhanan 1700-2200 T Lf Fodder
Emblica officinalis Gaertn. Amla 1500-1600 T Fr, Sd, Bk, Lf Medicinal (Antiemetic, asthma, bronchitis, burns, cold, constipation, cooling, diabetes, diuretic, dysentery, eye complaints, fever, headache, laxative, liver complaints, madness, purgative, revive taste, scorpion bite, stomach complaints, thirst vaginal complaints, wounds, veterinary stomach disease); Edible
Euphorbia hirta L. Dudhi 1600-1800 H WP Medicinal (Abscess, antidote in snake bite, asthma, boils of mouth, breast pain, bronchitis infection, burns, colic, cough, cuts, diarrhoea, dysentery, eczema, excess lactation, eye complains, gonorrhoea, kidney disease, lactation-complaints, pain, postanal complaints, rickets, ring worm, scabies, scorpion bite, skin disease sores on breast, toothache, vomiting); Edible
Glochidion velutinum Wt. 1500-1700 T Lf, St Fuel; Tanning
Phyllanthus virgatus Frost. Bhui-amla 1500-1800 H WP Medicinal (Asbcess, cold and fever, dysentery, gonorrhoea, itch, piles, stomachache); Edible
Sapium insigne Trim. Chiran 1500-1600 T La Medicinal (Germicidal)
Crotalaria albida Heyne ex Roth Ban methi 1500-2200 H WP Medicinal (Purgative)
Dalbergia sericea G. Don 1500-1600 T Lf Fodder
Desmodium concinum DC. 1500-1800 Sh AP Fodder
D. elegans DC. Bhatul 1500-2200 Sh St, Lf Fodder; Fuel
D. gangeticum (L.) DC. Salpan 1500-2000 Sh WP Medicinal (Antidote to snake venom, asthma, bronchitis, cough, dysentery, eye infection, fever, tonic, vomiting); Fodder
D. heterocarpon (L.) DC. Sarivan 1500-1600 Sh Rt Medicinal (Cough, fever, tonic)
D. microphyllum (Thunb.) DC. Chattomara 1500-1600 H Rt Medicinal (abortifacient)
Flemingia fruticosa Wall. ex Benth. 1600-2200 Sh Lf Fodder
F. strobilifera (L.) Ait. Chauranga 1500-1600 H Rt, Lf Medicinal (Epilepsy); Fodder
F. semialata Roxb. 1500-1800 Sh Rt, Lf Medicinal (Ulcer, neck swelling, external use); Dye
F. vestita Benth. ex Baker Ajher 1500-2200 H Rt, Fr, Tu Edible
Indigofera atropurpurea Buch.-Ham.ex Roxb. Sakena 1500-2200 Sh Lf, Fl Fodder; Dye
I. cylindrica Wall. ex Baker Sakena 1500-1900 Sh Lf, Fl Fodder; Dye
I. heterantha Wall. ex Brandis Sakena 1800-2100 Sh Lf Fodder
I. pulchella Roxb. Sakena 1500-1800 Sh Lf, Fl, Infl Medicinal (Cough, epilepsy, mennorhagea, swelling face in labour); Edible
Lespedeza gerardiana Grah. ex Baker 1500-2000 Sh Lf Fodder
Medicago lupulina L. 1500-2200 H WP Fodder
Melilotus indica (L.) All. Senj 1500-2200 H WP Medicinal (Plaster for swelling, bowel complaints, infantile, diarrhoea)
Pueraria tuberosa (Roxb. ex Wild.) DC. Ghora-bel, Bilaikand 1500-1800 Sh Tu, Rt Medicinal (Abdominal pain, antiemetic, asthma, bodyache, chest pain, cholera, diarrhoea, fever, lactation, mennorhoea, rheumatism, skin disease, swelling, syphilis, tonic, ulcer, veterinary lactation); Edible
Trifolium repens L. 1500-2200 H WP Medicinal (Dandruff)
Vicia sativa L. 1500-1800 H Fr, AP Edible; Fodder
Zornia gibbosa Span. Hirankurni 1600-1900 H WP Medicinal (Cramps, dysentery, sedative, sores, wounds, spermatorrhoea)
Quercus floribunda Thunb. Kharsu 1500-2200 T Lf, St Fodder; Agricultural tools
Q. leucotrichophora A. Camus Banj 1500-2200 T St, Lf Fodder; Fuel; Timber
Swertia angustifolia Buch.-Ham.ex D.Don Chiraitu 1800-2200 H WP Medicinal (Malarial fever)
S. cordata Wall. ex Cl. Chiraita 1800-2200 H WP Medicinal (Anthelmintic, antiperiodic, Appetite, laxative)
S. paniculata Wall. Chiraita 1700-2000 H WP Medicinal (Fever)
Geranium nepalense Sw. Lajari 1500-2200 H Rt Medicinal (Cuts, jaundice, toothache, ulcer, wounds, stomach complaints); Dye
G. wallichianum Don ex Sw. 2000-2200 H Lf, Rt Medicinal (Astringent, ear and eye disease, toothache)
Didymocarpus pedicellata R.Br. 1600-2200 H Lf, Fl, Sd Medicinal (Stone in kidney, bladder)
Mondo intermedium (Don) Bailey 1600-2200 H WP Fodder
Aesculus indica Colebr. Panger 1500-2100 T Fr, Bk, Rt, Sd oil, Kr Medicinal (Anthelmintic, dislocated joints, diuretic, leucorrhoea, skin fissures, cracks, veterinary medicine, wounds); Edible
Hydrangea anomala Don 1500-2000 Sh WP Fodder
Hypericum elodeoides Choisy. 1500-2200 Sh WP Fodder
H. javanicia Thunb. 1500-2000 Sh Lf Fodder
H. oblongifolium Choisy. Gophal 1800-2200 Sh Lf, Fl Medicinal (Wounds, boils); Fodder
H. uralum Buch.-Ham. 1800-2200 Sh Lf Fodder
Curculigo orchioides Gaertn. Kali-musli 1800-2200 H WP Medicinal (Abortifacient antidote to poison, asthma, blindness, cough, cuts, dysentery, ear complaints, epilepsy, eye complaints like white spots on ball, filaria, fever, galactagogue, itching, leucorderma, nose bleed, piles, bleed, scorpion bite, skin disease, snake bite, tonic, venereal complaints, wounds veterinary, eye disease); Edible
Hypoxis aurea Lour. 1500-2000 H Tu Medicinal (Injuries, swelling); Edible
Engelhardtia spicata Bl. Ripekam 1500-1600 T Lf Fish poison
Juglans regia L. Akhrot 1500-2200 T Bk, Lf, Fr Medicinal (Anthelmintic, astringent, frost bite, rheumatism, sores of toes, toothache); Edible, fuel
Ajuga brachystemon Maxim. 1500-2200 H Lf Medicinal (Ascariasis)
A. parviflora Benth. Tipati 1500-2200 H Lf, Sd Medicinal (Ascariasis)
Anisomeles indica (L.) Ktze. Ramtulsi 1500-1800 H WP Medicinal (Antidote to poisonous bite, antipyretic, astringent, carminative, fever, muscles pain, nervous complaints, refrigerant, uteric infection)
Colebrookia oppositifolia Sm. 1500-1800 H Px, Lf Medicinal (Cough, sores, wounds)
Coleus forskohlii (Willd.) Bri. Badda-jari 1500-1900 H Rt Medicinal (Blood pressure, constipation, tonic)
Mentha arvensis L. Podina 1500-2200 H WP Medicinal (Stomach ache, liver disorder, vomiting)
Ocimum canum Sm. Tulsi 1500-2200 H WP Medicinal (Bronchitis, itching, ear complaints, leprosy, fever, ring worm); Edible (As Tea); Religious
Origanum vulgare L. Bantulsi 1500-2200 H WP Medicinal (Cold, diarrhoea, fever, hysteria, influenza, menstrual complaints, stimulant, tonic); Edible, Religious
Salvia lanata Roxb. Gania 1500-2200 H Rt Medicinal (Adulterant)
Thymus linearis Benth. Banajwain 1500-2200 H WP Medicinal (Anthelmintic, eye disorder, heating effect, labour, postnatal, liver complaints, skin disease, stomach ache, vermicidal); Edible
Hoelboelia latifolia Wall. 1500- 2200 Sh Fr Edible
Cinnamoum tamala Nees and Ebern Tajpat 1500-1600 T Bk, Lf Medicinal (Heart and throat complaints); Spices
Litsea umbrosa Nees Putli 1600-2200 T Lf Fodder; Fuel
Persea duthiei (King. ex Hk.f.) Kostern. Kaul 1500-2200 T Lf Fuel; Fodder
P. odoratissima Nees Kaul 1800-2200 T Lf Fuel; Fodder
Leea asiatica (L.) Ridsdale Kumali 1500-1700 H Fl, Rt, Fr Medicinal (Cuts, wounds, rheumatism, snake bite, urine complaints); Edible
Gloriosa superba L. 1500-1600 H Rh, Px, Rt Medicinal (Rheumatic pain, leprosy, piles, gout)
Lilium polyphyllum Don ex Royle Kandmool 1600-2200 H Bb Medicinal (Tonic)
Paris polyphylla Sm. Satwa 1600-2000 H Rh Medicinal (Diarrhoea, fever)
Polygonatum verticillatum Wall. Khol 1500-2000 H Rh, Bb Medicinal (Aphrodisiac, appetite, nervine tonic, tonic); Edible
Smilacina purpurea Wall. 1700-2200 H WP Edible
Trillidium govanianum (Don.) Kunth Satwa 1800-2200 H Tu Medicinal (Dysentery)
Tulipa stellata Hk. f. 1500-1600 H Fr Edible
Dendrophthoe subfalcata (L.f.) Etting 1500-1700 Sh Fr Edible
Taxillus vestitus (Wall.) Danser 1500-2200 Sh Fr Edible
Viscum album L. Raghumola 1500-1800 Sh WP Medicinal (Abortifacient, antifertility bodyache, spleen complaints)
Woodfordia fruticosa (L.) Kurz. Dhai 1500-1600 Sh St, Fl, Rt, Infl Medicinal (Bleed in pregnancy, bone fracture, burns, cancer, carbuncle, cholera, cooling, cough, diarrhoea, dropsy, dysentery, fever, haemorrhage, injuries, loss of appetite in pregnancy, mennorhoea, muscle pain, nausea, night blindness, fever, rheumatism, skin disease, small pox, sores, spleen complaints, sprain, tonic, ulcer wounds, veterinary sores); Edible
Michelia kisopa Buch.-Ham. Chafa 1700-1800 T Wd Fuel; Agricultural tools
Gossypium arboreum L. Kapas 1600-1800 H Fi (Fiber) Religious
Hibiscus rosa-sinensis L. Gurhal 1500-1900 H Fl Medicinal (Kidney disease, Urine complaints); Religious
Malva verticillata L. Chiroti 1700-2000 H Sd, Lf, Rt, Sh Medicinal (Cough, emollient pectoral complaints, piles, ulcer, urine complaints); Edible
Osbeckia stellata Buch.- Ham. ex Don Handisamba 1500-2000 Sh Rt, Lf Medicinal (Cough, digestion, dysentery, nose bleed, snake bite, wounds, stomachache, toothache)
Melia azedarach L. Bakain 1500-1600 T Fr, Lf, Bk, Sh Medicinal (Anthelmintic, antiseptic, blood purification, hair fall, headache, insecticidal, promote conception, rheumatism, gout, skin disease, vermifuge, wounds); Edible
Toona ciliata Roem. Toon 1500-1600 T Bk, Fr, Lf Medicinal (Antiseptic, dysentery, bronchitis, fever, gastric trouble); Fodder
T. serrata (Royle) Roem. Dalla 1500-1600 T St Agricultural tools
Cissampelos pariera L. 1500-1600 H WP Medicinal (Stomachic, tonic, diuretic and antilithic, astringent, diarrhoea, dropsy, urinary problem)
Stephania glabra (Roxb.) Miers. Ganjaroo 1500-1800 H Tu, Rt Medicinal (Asthma, body pain, headache, eye and skin diseases, tumor in stomach)
Tinospora cordifolia (Willd.) Miers.


Giloe, Gurch 1500-1600 Sh WP Medicinal (Antipyretic, aphrodisiac, asthma, bone fracture, cough, debile, diarrhoea, diphtheria, dysentery, fever, headache, stomachache, tooth ache); Edible
Acacia dealbata Link. Acacia 1500-1800 T Bk, St Timber; Fuel; Tanning
Albizia julibrissin Duraz Siris 1700-2110 T Lf Medicinal (Astringent, leprosy, piles, diarrhoea, gonorrhoea); Fodder; Timber
Ficus nemoralis Wall. ex Mir Chil 1500-2200 T Lf, Fr Edible; Fodder; Fuel
F. palmata Forsk. Bedu 1500-2000 T Fr, La Medicinal (Dysentery, indigestion, laxative); Edible; Fodder
F. religiosa L. Pipal 1500-1800 T Lf, Fr, Px, Bk Medicinal (Abortifacient, asthma, blisters, boils, ulcer, carbuncle, cholera, dysentery, fever, gonorrhoea, haematuria, laxative, rheumatism, scabies, skin disease, small pox, snake bite, sores, sores in mouth, spermatorrhoea, tonic, toothache, uninary complaints, whooping cough); Edible
F. roxburghii Wall. Timala 1500-2000 T Lf, Rt, Sh Edible; Fodder
F. rumphii Bijdr. Pilik 1500-1600 T Fr Edible; Fodder
F. scandens Lam. Bedhuli 1500-1800 Sh Lf Fodder
Morus serrata Roxb. Keemu 1500-2000 T Fr, Lf Edible; Fodder
Musa paradisiaca L. Kela 1500-2200 H Fr, WP Edible; Religious
Myrica esculenta Buch.- Ham. ex Don Kaphal 1500-2200 T Bk, Fr Medicinal (Asthma, cholera, cough, diarrhoea, dysentery, fever, indigestion, malaria menorrhoea, rheumatism); Edible; Fuel
Myrsine africana L. Darimkunji 1500-2200 Sh AP Medicinal (Cathartic, colic pain, vermifuge); Broom making
Psidium guajava L. Amrud 1500-1600 T Fr Edible
Syzygium cuminii (L.) Skeels Jamun 1500-1600 T Bk, Lf, St, Sd Medicinal (Anemia, astringent, blisters in mouth, cancer, colic, diabetes, diarrhoea, digestion complaints, dysentery, piles, pimples, stomachache, tonic); Edible
Fraxinus micrantha L. Angua 1500-2000 T St Agricultural tool; Fuel
Jasminum dispermum Wall. Chameli 1500-1800 Sh Lf Fodder
J. grandiflorum L. 1600-1800 Sh Lf, Fl Fodder, Essential oil
J. humile L. Sungli 1500-2000 Sh Rt, Bk Medicinal (Skin disorder, sinus)
Habenaria edgeworthii Hk.f. ex Collett 1800-2100 H Tu Medicinal (Blood purifier, rejuvenator)
H. intermedia Don 1500-2000 H Tu Medicinal (Tonic); Edible
Malaxis acuminata Don Lasania 1500-2200 H Lf, Rt Medicinal (Tonic)
M. cylindrostachya (Lindl.) O.Ktze 1500-2000 H Pseudo bulb Medicinal (Tonic)
Satyrium nepalense Don 1500-2200 H Rt Medicinal (Malaria, dysentery and tonic)
Oxalis corniculata L. Kahtta-mitha 1500-2200 H WP Medicinal (Appetite, cooling, corn, cough, cuts, diarrhoea, digestive, dysentery, epilepsy, eye complaints, fever, insect bite, jaundice, refrigerant, scurvy, skin disease, snake bite, stomachache, swelling, wart); Edible
Parnassia nubicola Wall. ex Royle Nibris 1800-2200 H Tu Medicinal (Food poisoning, snakebite)
Plantago himalaica Pingler Isabgol 1600-2200 H Sd Medicinal (Catarrhoea, gonorrhoea, nephritic, dysentery, diarrhoea, chronic diarrhoea, fever, rheumatism, gouty swelling, cough, cold)
P. lanceolata L.


Isabgol 1600-2200 H Lf Medicinal (Blood purifier)
P. ovata L. Isabgol 1600-2200 H Sd Medicinal (Catarrhoea, gonorrhoea, nephritic, dysentery, diarrhoea, chronic diarrhoea, fever, rheumatism, gouty swelling, cough, cold)
Apluda mutica L. 1500-1800 H AP Medicinal (Mouth sores); Fodder
Arundinella nepalensis (Trin.) Hochr. 1500-2200 H AP Medicinal (Making lotion for washing wounds)
A. pumila (Hochst. ex A. Rich.) Steud. 1800-2200 H AP Fodder
Avena sativa L. 1500-2000 H AP Edible; Fodder
Arthraxon lanceolatus (Steud.) Dandy 1700-2200 H AP Fodder
A. lancifolius (Trin.) Hochst. 1700-2200 H AP Fodder
A. nudus (Steudr.) Hochst. 1500-2000 H AP Fodder
Bothriochola intermedia (R.Br.) A. Camus 1500-2200 H AP Fodder
B. pertusa (L.) A. Camus 1700-2200 H AP Fodder
Brachiaria ramosa (L.) Stapf. 1500-1800 H AP Fodder
Chrysopogon gryllus (L.) Trin. 1500-2200 H AP Fodder
C. serrulatus Trin. 1500-2000 H AP Fodder
Cynodon dactylon (L.) Pers. Doob 1500-2000 H WP Medicinal (Antifertility, carbuncle, cramps, cooling cramps, dropsy, dysentery, hysteria, headache, menstrual complaints, ophthalmia, piles, snake bite, sores, stop bleed tonic, ulcers in stomach, urinary complaints, vomiting, wounds); Religious
Cymbopogon distans (Nees) Wats. 1500-1800 H Sd Essential oil
C. martinii (Roxb.) Wats. Rosha 1800-2200 H Lf Medicinal (Biliousness, rheumatism, skin disease)
Dendrocalamus strictus (Roxb.) Nees Mat, Karil 1500-1700 T Lf, Rt, Sh, Sd Medicinal (Antifertility, cough, fever on injuries, tonic, veterinary); Edible
Dichanthium annulatum (Forsk.) Stapf. 1500-1800 H AP Fodder
Digitaria cruciata (Nees ex Steud.) A. Camus 1600-2000 H AP Fodder
Drepanostachyunm falcatum (Nees) Keng.f. 1500-2200 Sh Lf Fodder
Eleusine indica (L.) Gaertn. Anamandia 1500-2000 H WP Medicinal (Fever)
Eragrostis pilosa (L.) Beauv. 1500-1800 H AP Fodder
Erianthus rufipilus (Steud.) Griseb Kans ghas 1500-1600 H AP Fodder; Religious
Eulaliopsis binata (Retz.) Hubb. 1500-1800 H AP Fibre; Cordage; Matting
Heteropogon contortus (L.) Beauv. Kher 1500-2000 H WP Medicinal (Asthma, atrophy, dysentery, emaciation, fever, muscle pain, piles, rabies, dog, jackal bite, scorpion sting, snake bite, toothache)
Isachne albens Trin 1500-1800 H AP Fodder
Setaria glauca (L.) Beauv. Kangua 1500-2200 H Sd Edible
Themeda anathera (Nees ex Steud.) Hack. 1500-2200 H AP Fodder
Poa annua L. 1800-2200 H AP Fodder
P. lpine L. 1600-2200 H AP Fodder
Thysanolaena maxima (Roxb) Ktze. Aous 1500-1700 Sh Sd, Fl, Rt, Px, St, Infl Fodder; Broom
Fagophyrum debotrys (Don) Hara Jahnkara 1500-2200 H Rt, Lf, Sd, St Medicinal (Vermicide); Edible
F. esculentum (L.) Moench. Ugal 1500-2200 H Rt, Fr, Lf Medicinal (Lung disorder, rheumatism, typhoid, urine complaints); Edible
Polygonum amplexicaule Don Ban-madua 1500-2200 H Lf, Rh Medicinal (Cough, dysentery, haemostat, tonic); Edible
P. capitatum Buch.-Ham. ex Don 1500-1800 H WP Medicinal (Antidote in snake bite, boils, insect stings)
P. hydropiper L. Jiyanti 1500-2000 H �Infl, Lf Medicinal (Ringworm, skin disease)
P. nepalense Meissn. Birsai 1500-2200 H Lf Medicinal (Swelling); Edible
P. recumbens Royle ex Bab. Vishalaya 1600-2200 H WP Medicinal (Abscess, blood purification, boil, skin disease, nodule formation)
Rumex nepalensis Spr. Khuldia 1500-2200 H Lf, Tw, Rt Medicinal (Boil, colic, cooling, diuretic, purgative, scurvy, swelling of muscles)
R. hastatus Don Chalmora 1500-2200 H WP Edible
Lysimachia lobelioides Wall. ex Hk. 1500-2200 H Lf Medicinal (Snake bite)
Primula denticulata Sm. 1600-2200 H Lf Religious
Punica granatum L. Anar 1500-2200 T Rt, St, Fr, Lf Medicinal (Anthelmintic, stop bleeding, child birth, miscarriage, cholera, cooling, cough, diarrhoea, dysentery, eye complaints, pimples, stomachache); Edible
Clematis buchananiana DC. Veraphul 1500-2200 H Lf, Rt, St Medicinal (Skin disease, sores, tumors)
Delphinium denudatum Royle Nirbishi 1800-2200 H Rt Medicinal (abdominal pain, anthelmintic, respiratory complaint, toothache, ulcer, vetlice, ticks)
Ranunculus diffusus DC. Ranunculus 1500-2200 H WP Medicinal (Boils)
Thalictrum foliolosum DC. Mamiri 1600-2200 H Rt Medicinal (Abdominal pain, blood purification, boils, earache, eczema, eye disease, fever luecoderma, piles, rheumatism, gout, tonic, toothache)
Rhamnus purpureus Edgew. Bakauro 1600-2200 Sh Fr Medicinal (Purgative)
R. virgatus Roxb. Chato 1500-2200 Sh Fr Medicinal (Emetic, purgative, affection of spleen)
Cotoneaster microphylla Wall. ex Lindl. Bakari Chara 1500-2200 Sh Rh, Lf Medicinal (Astering); Fodder; Edible
Duchesnea indica (Andr.) Focks. Jangli-haldier 1500-1600 H WP Medicinal (Cuts, eye disease, swelling, ulcer on tongue, veterinary); Edible
Fragaria nubicola L. Bankahal 1500-2200 H Fr Edible
Potentilla fulgens Wall. ex Hk.f. Bajrdanti 1500-2000 H Rt Medicinal (Astering, gum, tooth complaints, tonic)
Prinsepia utilis Royle Bhainkal 1800-2200 Sh Sd, Fr Medicinal (Burns, cuts, rheumatism, wounds); Edible
Prunus armeniaca L. Khubani 1500-2000 T Fr Edible; Fuel
P. cerasoides Don Paya, Padam 1500-2000 T Lf, Fr Fodder; Edible; Fuel; Religious
Pyracantha crenulata (Don) Roem. Ghingaru 1500-2200 Sh Fr, St Edible; Fuel; Agricultural tool
Pyrus pashia Buch.-Ham. ex Don Mehal 1500-2200 T Lf, Fr Medicinal (Eye complaints); Edible; Fuel; Fodder; Religious
Rosa moschata L. Rosa 1500-2200 Sh Fr Edible; Fuel; Fodder
Rubus biflorus Buch.-Ham. ex Sm. Hisalu 1500-2200 Sh Fr Edible
R. ellipticus Don Hisalu 1500-2000 Sh Fr, Rt Medicinal (Dysentery, malaria, stomachache, worms); Edible
R. paniculatus Sm. Jogi-hisalu 1500-2200 Sh Lf, Fr Medicinal (Diarrhoea, stomach disorder); Edible
Stranvaesia naussia (Don) Dcne. Garmehal 1500-2200 T Lf, St Fodder; Fuel
Leptodermis lanceolata Wall. Baramujara 1500-2200 Sh Rt Medicinal (Boils, blisters in mouth)
Randia tetrasperma (Roxb.) Benth. 1500-1900 Sh Fr Edible
Rubia manjith Roxb. ex Flem. Manjith 1500-2200 H St, Rt, Lf Medicinal (Antidote to scorpion bite, snake bite, astringent, chest complaints, lecuoderma, inflammation, jaundice, liver complaints, paralysis, menorrhoea, urine complaints, ulcer, stomachache); Dye
Boeninghausenia albiflora (Hk.) Reichb Nukmman 1800-2200 H Rt Medicinal (Toothache, wounds, kill flee, lice, other insects)
Citrus limon (L.) Burm. Nibu 1500-2000 T Fr Medicinal (Digestive disorder; headache)
C. medica L. Nibu 1500-1800 T Fr Medicinal (Digestive disorder, headache, liver complaints, gastric complaints)
Skimmia laureola (DC.) Zucc. Naraya patti 1700-2200 Sh Lf Medicinal (Incense); Religious (making dhoop)
Zanthoxylum armatum DC. Timur 1500-1800 T Fr, Sd Medicinal (Anthelmintic, carminative, cough, cholera, fever, eczema, itching, leucoderma, piles, rheumatism, small pox, snake bite, stomachache, indigestion, tonic, tooth complaints); Edible
Meliosma pungens Walp. Ghosa 1500-2000 T Lf Fodder; Fuel
Populus ciliata Wall. ex Royle Makal 1600-2000 T Bk, Wd Medicinal (Bone fracture)
Astible rivularis Buch.-Ham. ex Don Padum 1500-2200 H Lf Medicinal (Blood purification, toothache); Edible
Bergenia ligulata (Wall.) Engl. Silphor, Pashanbhed 1500-2200 H Lf, Rh Medicinal (Asthma, boils, cuts, wounds, burns, fever, liver complaints, piles, kidney stone, urine complaints); Edible
Lindenbergia indica (L.) Ktze. 1500-2000 H Lf Medicinal (Bronchitis, skin disease, eruption, throat sore, toothache)
Pedicularis bicornuta Klotz. ex Klotz. and Garcke 2000-2200 H Lf Medicinal (Bodyache, sedative)
Verbascum thapsus L. Akalveer 1500-2200 H Sd Medicinal (Asthma, cough, diarrhoea, inflammation, leucoderma, veterinary)
Smilax aspera L. Kukaradara 1500-2200 Sh Rt, Lf, St Medicinal (Skin eruption, sores, wounds); Fuel
Cestrum nocturnum L. 1500-2000 Sh WP Medicinal (Antispasmodic, epilepsy)
Datura stramonium L Datura 1500-1600 H Lf, Px, Sd, Fr Medicinal (Asthma, dislocation of joints, jaundice, rheumatism, stomach complaints, toothache, veterinary lactation)
Solanum indicum L. Banbhantawa 1500-2200 H Fr, Rt Medicinal (Bodyache, fever, toothache, wounds, veterinary, bleeding from nostrils); Edible
S. nigrum L. Makoi, Ninini 1500-2000 H WP Medicinal (Boils, cough, diarrhoea, dysentery, ear complaints, eye complaints, fever, goiter, inflame of scrotum, testile kidney bladder, jaundice, liver complaints, nostril complaints, piles, rheumatism, skin disease, sores, stomachache, swelling, throat trouble, ulcer in mouth, urine complaints); Edible
Symplocos chinensis (Lour.) Drace Lodh 1500-2200 T Bk, Lf Medicinal (Astringent, diarrhoea); Fuel; Agricultural tools
Eurya acuminata DC. Dhiyar 1500-2200 T Lf Medicinal (Dysentery, diarrhoea, cholera, stomach disease)
Daphne papyracea Wall. ex Steud. 1500-2200 Sh Rt, Lf Medicinal (Intestinal complaints); Fodder; Fiber (Making)
Wikstroemia canescens Meissn. 1800-2200 Sh Lf, Bk Medicinal (Piscidal); Fiber (Making)
Grewia oppositifolia Buch.-Ham. Bhimal 1500-1700 T Lf, St, Bk Medicinal (Eruption, fever, veterinary, bone fracture as splinter); Fodder; Fiber; Fuel
Celtis australis L. Kharik 1500-2000 T Lf, Rt, Bk Fodder; Fuel
Ulmus wallichiana Planch Pa Uttis 1800-2200 T Bk Medicinal (Bone fracture, Bone dislocation)
Debregeasia longifolia (N. Burman) Wedd. Tushiaru 1500-2000 T Fr, Lf Edible; Fodder
D. salicifolia (Don) Rendl. 1500-2000 T Fr, Lf Fodder; Edible
Girardinia palmata (Forsk.) Gaud. Bangre-sisnu 1600-2200 H Bk, St Fiber
Parietaria debilis Frost Chiphal-jar 1500-2200 H Rt Medicinal (To remove dandruffs)
Pilea scripta (Buch.-Ham. ex Don) Wedd. Patyu 1500-2200 H AP Fodder
Pouzolzia hirta Hassk. 1500-1600 H Lf Medicinal (Hair tonic)
Urtica hyperborea Jacq. ex Wedd. Bichhu ghass 1500-2200 H WP, Lf Medicinal (Antiseptic, gout, swelling)
U. parviflora Roxb. Kaniyali, Lovie 1500-2200 Sh Sd, Lf, Rt, Infl Medicinal (Astringent, dog bite, wound, kidney disorder, post natal tonic, throat pain, tonic); Edible
Valeriana hardwickii Wall. Samaya 1800-2200 H WP Medicinal (Antidote to poisonous insects scorpion, epilepsy, hysteria, neurosis, skin disease); Religious
V. jatamansi Jones Samayo 1500-2200 H Rh Medicinal (Epilepsy, hysteria, urine complaints); Religious
Callicarpa arborea Roxb. Arhi 1500-1600 T Lf, St, Bk Medicinal (Fever, gastric disease, gidding, headache, pneumonia, scorpion sting, skin disease)
Clerodendron serratum (L.) Moon Bhetkona 1500-1600 H �Rt, Lf, Fl Medicinal (Anasarca, appetite, bodyache, cholera, cuts, dropsy, cough, eye disease, fever, malaria, rheumatism, snake bite, ulcer, wounds); Edible
Viola canescens Wall. Banfasa 1500-2200 H Lf, Fl Medicinal (Asthma, bronchitis, cold, cough, eye disease, malaria)
V. pilosa L. Banfasa 1500-2200 H WP Medicinal (Antipyretic, biliousness, cold, cough, diaphoretic fever, lung disease)
Parthenocissus himalayana (Royle) Planch. 1600-2200 Sh Fr Edible; Fodder
Vitis lanata Roxb. 1500-1800 Sh WP Fodder
Curcuma longa 1600-2000 H Rh, Lf Medicinal (Cough, fiver, leprosy, insect bite, body swell, wounds)
Globa racemosa Sm. 1500-2200 H WP Medicinal (Whooping cough)
Hedychium spicatum Buch.-Ham. ex Sm. Ban-haldi 1500-2200 H Rh Medicinal (Asthma, blood purification, bronchitis, nausea); Fodder
Zingiber officinale Rosc. Adrak 1500-1800 H Rh Medicinal (Asthma, cough, cold, liver disorder); Edible
Family/Taxa Local name Altitudinal range (m) Life form Part/s used Indigenous uses
Cupressus torulosa D. Don Surai 1700-2200 T St Fuel; Timber
Abies pindrow Spach. Rago 1800-2200 T La/Res, Br Medicinal (Rheumatism, ulcer); Fuel
Pinus roxburghii Sarg. Chir 1500-2200 T Sd, St, Re Medicinal (Boils, bone fracture, skin diseases, etc.); Edible; Fuel; Timber; Tools
Cedros deodara (Royle ex D. Don) G. Don Deodar 1700-2200 T La/Res, St Medicinal (Anthelmintic, rheumatism); Fuel; Timber
Taxus baccata subsp. wallichiana (Zucc.) Pilger Thuner 2000-2200 T Bk, Bk oil, Lf Medicinal (Anti-cancer); Tea; Fuel
Adiantum edgerworthii Hk. 1500-2200 H Frd Medicinal (Mouth blisters)
Adiantum venustum D. Don Sunraj, Hansraj 1500-2200 H Frd Medicinal (Fever)
Polystichum squarrosum (Don) Fee 1600-2200 H Rh Medicinal (Fever)
Diplazium esculentum (Retz.) Sw. Dhuskia 1500-2200 H Frd, St Medicinal (Constipation); Edible
Asplenium dalhousiae Hk. 1500-2000 H Frd Medicinal (Typhoid)
Onychium contiguum Wall. ex Hope 1500-2200 H Frd Medicinal (Typhoid, fever)
Lygodium flexuosum (L.) Sw. 1600-1800 H Rh Medicinal (Skin disease)
Ophioglossum reticulatum L. Jibhiya 1800-2200 H Frd Edible

Abbreviations used: H=Herb; T=Tree; Sh=Shrub; St=Stem; Fr=Fruit; Rh=Rhizome; Sd=Seed; Res=Resin; WP=Whole Plant; Ap= Aerial Part; Lf=Leaf; Fl= Flower; Infl=Inflorescence; Bk=Bark; Kr=Kernel; AP= Aerial part; Rt=Root; Tu=Tuber; Rh=Rhizome; La= Latex; Frd= Frond; Wd= Wood; Fi=Fiber; and Bb= Bulb; Bk=Bark

Discussion/ Conclusion

The present study provides comprehensive information on the indigenous uses and traditional practices of the plants used by the inhabitants of the MRF. According to a report of the World Health Organization (WHO), over three forth of the World population cannot afford the products of the modern medicine and have to rely on the use of traditional medicine of plant origin (Rai et al., 2000). Each plant possesses some intrinsic potency. Traditional medicine has a long history and wide acceptability. The inhabitants of the region use traditional medicine to cure the diseases. They use different plant parts in different ratio to cure disease/aliments. The natural health care system is getting a great attention these days. Therefore, documentation of information on indigenous knowledge and practices will help in conserving the knowledge. Such information for the other parts of the IHR should also be documented so that a comprehensive database of the plants used for various purposes could be made and information could be disseminated to the new generation for awareness and sustainable utilization of plants.


The authors are thankful to Dr. L.M.S. Palni, Director, G.B. Pant Institute of Himalayan Environment and Development, Kosi-Katarmal, Almora for facilities and encouragement. One of the authors (SP) is highly thankful to the Vice-Chancellor of the BGSB University, Rajouri for providing necessary facility and continuous encouragement. Authors greatly acknowledge the support and cooperation received from the local inhabitants during field surveys.


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